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Błażej was a bit disappointed with Makary's attitude earlier. He didn't know if it was right to be happy at someone's such blatant jealousy. And he absolutely didn't want to be a hypocrite, he often felt it himself, but he didn't exude it and didn't influence those around him. Fortunately, his boyfriend realized his mistake and everything worked out.

They went on a quick shopping spree because the time for which they had an appointment with Monika was approaching. The woman and her son were to come to Makary's apartment, who was to guide her in preparing dinner for Przemek and his daughter, who were to visit them. Błażej's cousin was supposed to meet a teenager and this only added to her stress. Tymek also sensed it and was visibly upset, also because he had to go to a neighbour he didn't like.

However, the boy forgot his worries for a moment when he saw the parrot and stared at the bird in delight. Nemo wasn't entirely convinced by the new guests, but he didn't mind the adoration he saw in the little man's eyes. He stood up proudly and chirped, expressing his thanks that someone appreciated his beauty. He also didn't mind when Macarius took him out of the cage and held him so that the child could touch him. Tymek was overjoyed and overjoyed when Nemo also sat on his head.

The adults looked with joy at the child's sincere smile, seeing it as hope for a better half of the day. However, they had to return to reality. Non-cookers, i.e. Błażej and Tymek, were still watching the professional chef and his apprentice with a parrot on their heads. Monika knew the basics and Makary was a patient teacher. He didn't do anything for her and always asked her to first assess the taste, and only then did he instruct her on what spices to enrich the dish with at a given stage. When the food needed a moment to itself, Monika leaned against the counter with a heavy sigh.

"What are you worried about?" asked Błażej concerned. His cousin looked at him reproachfully, as if it was too obvious and he shouldn't even ask the question.

She looked anxiously at Tymek, who was aware that they were expecting some special guests, Przemek and someone else. However, his mother did not want to tell him any details. He also saw that she wanted to make a good impression on them, so he promised himself that he would try to behave politely.

"Everything will be fine," Makary comforted her, also trying to motivate himself with these words.

Weeks passed and he still hadn't talked to Błażej about the invitation his mother had extended. Monika smiled at him gratefully and looked at her watch uncertainly. The time for which they had agreed with Przemek was approaching inexorably.

"Doesn't Nemo get sad sometimes when he's left alone at home for a long time?" Tymek asked worriedly when he was leaving with his mother.

He hoped that his previous behaviour towards Makary would not ruin his chances of seeing the parrot more often. He already loved this little animal and would love to stay in Nemo's presence a little longer. Błażej raised his eyebrows, the hazel-eyed man's face showed that an idea was already forming in his head, and the boy's words gave him food for thought.

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