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After the meal, Błażej suggested to his sister that they watch a movie together and asked her to go and choose something that would suit her. He wanted Makary to stay longer, but he decided it was time to go home.

"Spend some time with your sister, especially since she has already reached out to you," the hazel-eyed one smiled.

The first year knew that his beloved was right, but now he didn't want to part with him. He was afraid that the events of the previous evening would suddenly lose their status as real when Makary came back to his place. Hazel-eye did not miss his slightly resentful expression.

"I only have one class tomorrow afternoon," he pretended to remark casually.

"Me too," muttered Błażej and thought for a moment, but did not answer anything, just smiled.

"Can I expect an unannounced visit?" Makary asked, looking deep into his eyes.

"Maybe," Błażej answered blushing, but he did not look away. Hazel-eyes looked around quickly and, being sure that there would be no repeat of the previous day, he placed a quick kiss on his beloved's lips.

"I hope to see you then."

The first year stood stunned for a moment, it was one thing knowing you were going to get a kiss and getting it unexpectedly. Whatever the circumstances, it's always a wonderful feeling from a loved one. He knew that for some people these kinds of kisses were nothing, but for him, each was an equally great experience. He was aware that later it would lose its importance, but he wanted to enjoy this feeling, since some time ago he did not believe that he would have a chance to build a sincere relationship.

He glanced at the door that closed behind Makary and sighed softly with longing. Too little and too short, now he wanted more, but with the prospect of seeing him in a few hours, he shouldn't complain. Before returning to his sister, he went to splash his face with cold water, but it did little to fight the redness of his cheeks if he could still taste the sweet taste of kisses on his lips.

Błażej, however, could not bring himself to talk to Basia about what had happened, and the girl was also reluctant to do so. Their fairly good relationship so far has crept into an awkwardness that neither of them could bring themselves to overcome. Perhaps this time the age difference made itself felt.

"Do you hate me?" Błażej asked at one point.

"No," Basia replied, though she hesitated for a moment. "I think, no."

They were stopped from further conversation by the noise at the door, after a while Tymek burst into the room and threw himself on his uncle's knees, asking what they were watching. Błażej explained to him the plot and suggested that he finish the screening with Basia, and go to Krystian and Monika. They were preparing coffee and the rest of the cake in the kitchen.

"I didn't think her sofa was so uncomfortable," Błażej's friend announced regretfully, rubbing his back.

"I know," replied Błażej.

"Then why didn't you tell her she should invest in something better?"

Krystian got hit with a kitchen towel for this remark, which made him whine even more over his fate.

"And are you going to sleep at my place so often that you care?" Monika bristled and asked Błażej how the situation was.

"With Makary is fine," the first year replied. "I think I'm going to spend the night at his place. And with Basia, I don't know, for now, we keep our distance."

"Everything will be fine, just give her some time." His cousin patted him on the shoulder.

"Since you're leaving, I'll ask Sylwia if she won't come over."

Krystian suddenly forgot all the pain of his existence and eagerly began to search for a phone to write to his girlfriend.

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