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Błażej was a bit hesitantly heading toward Makary's apartment, he had the impression that something suspicious was going on. It wasn't that he didn't trust his cousin, he was more afraid that Monika might try to play Cupid and get too involved in this role to the detriment of himself. He knew that in the near future, he would also have to have a serious conversation with hazel-eyed in order to understand what to do with their relationship, Błażej himself did not know how to define whatever it's going on between them.

He loved talking to Makary, but he still had doubts about whether he should open up completely to him. They sent each other a picture every day, both trying to reach the heights of their creativity. The first year waited for each new message and kept scrolling through the conversations and photos, he began to fear that suddenly it would all disappear or turn out to be a mere delusion. He knocked and not three seconds had passed when Makary opened the door for him as if he was waiting for him. Błażej sighed heavily, guessing that his cousin had warned him exactly when he should expect it. A delicious smell came from the hazel-eyed apartment, Makary noticed his interest and smiled slyly.

"Hi, I don't want to interrupt," Błażej began. "Monika asked me to come and get some things."

"Come in," Makary invited the visitor inside, hoping that now the rest of the plan would go smoothly. "I just finished making dinner, why don't you stay while you're already here?"

"So Monika doesn't need anything then? She was urging me to come here. She seemed to care a lot about these things."

"It's possible that she helped me trick you a bit so you wouldn't have any way of refusing an invitation to dinner. I was afraid you might do it if I will ask."

"Ah, so that's how it is," muttered Błażej, who was already trapped as soon as he smelled the familiar and longing smell. "It would be rude if you've worked so hard, but I'll tell you right now that I don't like that sort of thing. I'll say the exact same thing to Monika."

The younger man stepped inside and shielded his face from the attack. Nemo was not too pleased with the guest's visit. He attacked him as soon as he crossed the threshold. What are you thinking?! Are you here again?! My master made food for you?! I will not allow it! Makary got scared and tried to chase away his feathered pet. Reluctantly, he locked him in the cage and stared at him reprovingly for a moment. Nemo made indignant noises for a moment, then turned his back on everyone, offended.

"I'm sorry about him," he said to Błażej. "He was only so hostile towards my ex. I hoped he wouldn't do that again."

"Maybe he's just protecting you," the first-year joked.

Makary laughed nervously, fearing that the parrot's behavior would alienate his interlocutor. So he focused completely on dinner and invited the guest to the table. Błażej looked at him with a smile, looking up from time to time. The cook wondered why and suddenly it dawned on him.

"You look good in such a hairstyle," said Błażej.

Blushed, Makary quickly removed the hair clasp from the top of his head, which always fastened his slightly longer hair when he was cooking. He tried not to show himself too much to anyone in this version, but this time he forgot about this small detail because of his nerves. The men began to eat, talking about trivial things. The younger of them did it to stop the tears from flowing. With the first bite, he understood how long it had been since no one but Monika had offered him a home-cooked dinner. It also reminded him of the family who had thrown him out, and meals were an integral part of spending time together.

"Delicious, you have talent," said Błażej with a blissful smile. Makary beamed at this compliment and offered coffee and dessert.

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