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This time fate was not to blame for what happened, since he noticed that Makary and Błażej were on the right track, he only checked once in a while if they did not deviate from it too much. He wasn't responsible for the first year's overwork and the consequent decline in immunity. He wondered what he could do to help them and at the same time give both of them a decent kick, so that their shared history would gain some momentum.

Makary couldn't look at fireworks with such joy as he used to. The kids, however, were delighted, because they had a good view of the slightly flashing colours from his balcony. They compared them with each other and sometimes couldn't decide which way to look to see the most spectacular ones. Hazel-eyed, however, hoped that Błażej would be the first person to whom he would wish Happy New Year, but he could not get to him by phone. He felt furious and sad at the same time, not sure which came first.

Meanwhile, Monika, finally persuaded by her friends, spent New Year's Eve in the mountains and worried about her cousin. She was even ready to return early if Błażej had not been reached by noon on New Year's Day.

"Can't you send someone to check on him?" asked her friends, disappointed that Monika could not fully enjoy their girl's trip.

The woman answered in the negative, and that's when fate reminded her that there was someone she could ask. He still considered her his main helper, so before he had to do anything himself, he decided to see if he could use her. Monika's friends smiled when they saw a sign of relief on her face, showing a kind of enlightenment and a new idea. Tymek's mother apologized to them and went outside to make a phone call. The caller answered on the second ring.

"Hey," she greeted. "Happy New Year."

"Thank you and to you too."

"I'm sorry for calling, but I wanted to ask if you haven't been in contact with Błażej since yesterday. He told me he wasn't feeling well and I was a little worried about him. Krystian is abroad with his parents, I am in the mountains with my friends, there is no way to check what is happening to him," she blurted out almost in one breath. "I don't know if I'm asking too much, but could you go over there and see what's going on?"

"As soon as the brothers pick up the kids from me, I'll go to him," Makary replied, but Monika wasn't sure what emotions sounded in his voice. She thought she heard mild annoyance, disappointment, or perhaps concern. After all, she didn't know him that well. "You can send me the address later."

"Sure," replied Monica. "Thank you."

"It's okay, I'll let you know what I find out." Makary put down the phone and leaned against the kitchen counter. The neighbour's call surprised him and only added to his worries. Firstly, that Błażej may be ill, secondly, that he does not know his address yey, and thirdly, that he is beginning to feel remorse for being angry with him the day before. He was finishing preparing dinner for himself and his nephews and invited them to the table. He had a feeling he should make some more, so he set one aside for Błażej, just in case.

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