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Before Christmas, theoretically, they still managed to go to the cinema, although the repertoire consisted mainly of fairy tales and romantic comedies sprinkled with snow. Since they did not feel like any of the offers, they decided to spend this time walking around the shopping mall and looking for the last Christmas gifts. Makary used every opportunity to look at Błażej's phone when it seemed to him that he could open the gift list again. He only did it once and was disappointed to see that his name was no longer there. On the one hand, he hoped that he would find an answer to what he could get, he was worried whether the first-year student's budget would not be too strained. At the same time, he wanted it to be a surprise for him.

For Błażej, this meeting was particularly difficult, due to the doubts he had been having since going to the Christmas market. Increasingly, he was thinking of Makary in a romantic context. Uninvited, he appeared in his dreams and thoughts. There was nothing unpleasant about them, but they were too frustrating for the young man. Even at that moment when they were walking side by side, he wished they were holding hands, but after a while, painful memories came flooding back.

He was sure he wasn't ready for anything more serious or even anything romantic yet, the more time he spent with Makary, the more he doubted his own feelings. He kept thinking back to their conversation, to how he'd said he couldn't get involved, though it occurred to him sometimes that maybe if he tried... definitely dissuade him from thinking about a real relationship. Besides, he was afraid of the reaction to his change of approach, too sudden in his opinion.

Błażej recently shared these doubts with Monika, who only said that it could be a matter of meeting the right person. He wanted to believe it, but still, it all seemed too good to be true. He also hoped to consult his best friend. Krystian, initially positive about this relationship, only at the mention of Makary began to react with nerves and biting remarks, so Błażej avoided this topic.

"Is something bothering you?" Makary asked, snapping him out of his thoughts, at the same time making it clear that he knew that Błażej had been staring at his hand for a long time. "Is something wrong with my hand?" Hazel-eyed picked it up and looked at it. "Hmm, for me looks as usual."

"It may be that I would like to hold it," Błażej replied, putting his hands in his pockets. "But I don't know if that's a good idea."

"I wouldn't mind," Makary replied, surprised by this confession.

However seeing how the other hid his hands, he knew that he should not make any pressure. His heart began to beat faster, hoping that this was a sign that his patience would be tested a little shorter than he expected. But because of that, he felt an uneasiness somewhere in the back of his mind that seemed to flicker like a little red light. He liked "being with someone", only after confirming this fact from both sides did he feel completely confident, and that's why he wanted it so much. He believed that with Błażej he had a chance to build a different relationship than before, one that would not end and in which he would give his all.

"Do you keep your word though?" asked Makary sadly.

"Yes," replied Błażej, staring at the floor. "For now," he added in a whisper, hoping that the hazel-eyed didn't hear him.

"Then I stand by my resolve to be patient," the older one replied with a smile. "As long as it takes."

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