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Błażej woke up first and tried to remember what had happened the previous evening, that now he had to extricate himself from Makary's embrace. He stated that his brain would not be able to work even at minimum speed without at least a sip of coffee. In the kitchen, waiting for the drink to brew enough, he wondered why he felt so calm and happy. He stared out the window, happy, huh?

He wanted it so badly, yet he still couldn't trust it. With Adam, he thought he was happy too, and then his heart was painfully broken when everything turned out to be a lie. Makary had shown him how much he cared and how sincere he was in his feelings so many times, but his fear was still there. He was angry with himself for not being able to show the same to him, especially after what he had heard the night before. He didn't think he'd be so relieved to just be reminded that a relationship is equal work for both of them. Not only does he have to try, he doesn't have to give his best every second.

It got him thinking, is he ready for this then? However, he couldn't give himself a clear answer. He didn't even know if he would be able to snuggle up to Makary again without all the emotional envelope. He probably needed a little more time for that, but he felt a strange excitement in his heart and hope for the better.

"What are you thinking about?" Makary asked in a sleepy voice, entering the kitchen. "Give me a minute and I'll make breakfast."

Błażej looked at him with a smile and pointed to his hair, which had always been arranged according to its own rules from the morning. Makary replied with the same gesture, glad to see his beloved in a good mood. When he woke up, he was afraid if the events of the previous day had been a step forward or a step back in their relationship.

"I'll make coffee for you," announced Błażej. "Don't make breakfast, at most we'll make an early dinner."

"Ah yes, I forgot that today you are my helper," Makary laughed and sat down at the table, waiting for coffee.

"Maybe you're used to something else, but I won't let myself be ruled in my own kitchen," Błażej said in a combative tone.

"And what about the bedroom?" asked the hazel-eyed innocent, calmly taking a sip of coffee.

Błażej almost choked on his caffeinated drink and glared furiously at his companion, who did not feel any responsibility for the damage caused.

"Sometimes you're impossible," the first year muttered under his breath.

"Only when we're alone do you act like that with me," replied Makary and received an indulgent look again. "I will be sad when you lose your innocence, I will miss it."

Błażej shook his head, not believing what he just heard, but smiled. He began to appreciate the banter, though he still planned revenge. He even had some ideas about where to invite Makary, but he knew that it had to wait a while. He glanced at the calendar, which had been showing his birthday for several days now, and reluctantly realized that the day was getting closer.

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