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On the fifth day, Błażej felt quite well and decided to clean the apartment. Makary did not like it when he returned, which he did not fail to mention.

"I'm feeling better, classes start next week and I have to get back to work," the first-year replied. "I'll be back in bed in the afternoon. Besides, Krystian is coming back tomorrow."

Makary realized that he had forgotten about the fact that Błażej had a roommate who was also his best friend. He'd known him before, but he'd been under the influence of alcohol at the time and couldn't remember, at least they hadn't had a real chance to talk. He looked at his beloved, probably, if all this Krystian hadn't left, he wouldn't have been able to take care of him, should he be grateful to him? It pained him to realize that this was the last day where he could be sure that they were alone and that he could behave quite freely in the space of the apartment.
Błażej noticed the change in the hazel-eyed's mood and watched him for some time, trying to understand what was behind it. He was afraid that he had done or said something that had offended him. The evening was approaching, Makary usually was getting ready to leave at this time, mentioning plans for the next day, or giving a proposal for dinner, but on that day nothing indicated that he was thinking about going out.

"Have you decided what is the final price of your protectiveness?" he asked, taking a sip of tea with honey. "I feel good now. It's been five days, and I don't know if I can afford more days."

"Hmm, so I should count you with a more expensive option," replied Makary, after a moment of reflection and looking at his beloved leaning against the wall.

"Speak, I'm afraid of how long I'll be paying this debt," the first-year student tried to sound dramatic.

"A story is enough for me." Makary wasn't sure if it was a good decision, but there couldn't be a better opportunity to do so.

"A story?"

"Your story, you know what I mean..." He was silent for a moment. "Unless you really don't want to. I just want to understand a few things."

Błażej's face was impenetrable for some time, he leaned his head against the wall and stared at the ceiling. He was aware that there would come a moment when he would have to tell the rest and explain to Makary why he did not want to get involved in any relationship. Five days ago he started his story, maybe it was the right time to finish it and add some details. He could feel Makary's eyes on him, but he couldn't meet them.

He wondered if he'd change his mind about him after all this, but then again, he'd been taking care of him for the last five days. The younger man unconsciously raised his hand and clenched his T-shirt at the height of his heart. He wanted it to be that simple, to stop being afraid, to let himself fall in love again. He knew it was too late for that already, he was still trying to fight it... He looked at the worried Makary, who was waiting for an answer. Everything he had done so far seemed sincere, yet fear sowed more doubts.

"You really gave a high price," replied Błażej, finally making the decision. "But you deserve it."

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