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Makary sometimes wished that he knew Błażej as well as his cousin and friend, especially when he was hanging around the shopping centre looking for a suitable gift. Everything he potentially stared at seemed inappropriate to him. They decided to invest in a smartwatch, which, as it turned out, had been a first-year's dream for a long time, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to buy it. At least that's what the group chat showed.

Hazel-eyed entered another shop that didn't seem crowded, and he wished he'd taken a family member with him. He felt uncomfortable and all he wanted was to go home, but this time he wanted to deal with it alone. Makary wanted the gift to be both unique and useful at the same time. He hoped a trip to the city's biggest shopping mall would give him some inspiration, but it didn't magically come to him.

He thought maybe he should stay at home, and make something with his own hands, but he lacked manual skills. He knew that Błażej would certainly appreciate such a gesture, but he did not feel confident knowing his beloved's skills. Disappointed with the lack of results, he returned home and threw himself onto the couch with a sigh.

Nemo immediately noticed that something was wrong with his master, so he tried to console him in the only way he knew how. He sat on his shoulder and snuggled into his neck, wanting to show him that he loved him and wanted to support him. Makary tenderly stroked his pet again and again, thanking him for his concern, but his problems were still not resolved.

He was looking for a solution by looking through his phone, he remembered how Błażej was looking for something there to organize his utensils. He began to wonder if he shouldn't go this way, but he couldn't ask his beloved directly about it, and he didn't know what keywords to look for. He remembered some images, but he had no specifics. The hazel-eyed sighed again, there wasn't much time left. He considered using some ruse, to steer the conversation to the right topic.

Błażej himself came to his aid, sending a message that his lecture had just been cancelled and he did not want to do any productive work, so he sat and continued to look for inspiration. Makary laughed inwardly at this confession, it was unlike him. He supposed he must have felt that the new term had just started and he didn't have to work as much yet. It was unlike Błażej, but at the same time cute, that he saw a way to kill boredom by talking to him.

Makary asked in the message what caught his eye the most and what he might be thinking about. He smiled as the screens and messages alternated at a frantic pace. Apparently, Błażej must have given vent to his thoughts somewhere, fortunately for Makary.

Nemo began to get annoyed with the constant beeping coming from his master's phone. He was almost falling asleep cuddled up to him, so indignantly he pinched him lightly and returned to his cage. The hazel-eyed reached for a piece of paper and a pen and started to write down all the things that Błażej liked and notes from what he was just writing to him. A plan was already forming in his head, and he was happy to prepare something for his beloved. He had forgotten how much happiness it could be to even think about giving him a surprise.

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