Love and War

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"Not fair Scott!" Acho just barely managed to dodge star's brother's blade as Scott started to spar before the word 'go' had been called.

"All is fair in love and war my dearest sibling, we are pirates after all!" Scott pushed his fencing sword towards his sibling again to gain the offensive upper hand.

"The scariest of pirates with our pillow fights and facemasks every Friday!" Acho mocked playfully, smirking at the sight of star's secret opportunity star saw for star's brother to lose.

"Hey! It's team bonding and it clears our skin! Herons can be pretty and feared Acho!"

Suddenly a dulled end of a sword poked Scott in the back, "Point Cleo," the orange haired girl teased.

"Wow. I can't believe the two of you have cheated to defeat me!" Scott gasped dramatically, pressing a hand to his heart while giggling.

"Didn't you just say that all's fair in love and war, Brother?" Acho sheathed star's sword and turned to high-five Cleo for her antics.

"As enjoyable as it is to watch the two of you spar and banter, it is two o'clock and neither of you have had lunch."

Scott went to open his mouth to protest.

"Do not argue with me Scott Denholm," Cleo was not going to take any nonsense.

Scott closed his mouth, he did not wake up and choose violence today, thank you very much.

"You do this to us when we skip a meal, you don't get different rules just because you are the captain," Cleo crossed her arms with a motherly sense to her.

Neither Denholm sibling spoke, neither of them realised how hungry they truly were until Cleo mentioned it, Scott had only eaten an apple and Acho had only had a piece of toast for breakfast.

"Look, I know what today is, what anniversary today represents for you two. However, I also know how you two cope, the sparring, the letters, the training. Distracting yourselves is no excuse to not take care of yourselves," the zombie girl sighed.

Scott turned on his heel and walked off, heading vaguely towards the kitchen, not speaking a word. He would not let anyone see him cry today, not Cleo and especially not Acho.

"I know Scott is a locked vault about this, but Starshine, if you need to talk about it then please do not bottle it up, talk to me," Cleo held open her arms for the captain's younger sibling.

Acho moved forward, into Cleo's arms and hugged her, star started to cry, hard.

"I know babes," Cleo comforted the younger pirate, one run-away royal to another, 'long-lost' princess to former prince.

Acho could not believe how long it had been since star had run with star's brother. Acho missed star's sister, friends and the comfortability that his former life's provided.

"I get it. I miss 'home' too," the sea air blew around the two as they stood in silence, the only noises being the distant sounds of the crew and Acho's deep cries.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now