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It was a blur, panic was the first thing on everyone's mind and Alex didn't even have time to comprehend that his supposedly dead father had crashed their celebration.

No one was allowed in or out of the room that Alex, Scott, Catalina, Hermes, Juniper, Guqqie, Water, Owen and Sniff had been ushered into.

Alex had not said a word but he was clearly stressing, his husband hadn't come with them, no, Sausage stayed to protect them outside.

Hermes was shell-shocked, he had tried to reach his Papa in the chaos, but they had been seperated by the chaos.

"Alex... there's a letter that has just been slipped under the door by Acho, from someone called 'Isa'?" Water held the paper in her hands.

Alex snapped out of his shock, "Isa?" That was Amber's codename.

Water handed the letter over, trusting the letter.


Forgive me my friend, I thought it safer to sign under my fake name in case it fell into the wrong hands as there appears to be traitors within my own court.

As I am writing this, Jacob is preparing to take the children and I to his Aunt's kingdom, Lady Amilen is being left as Regent.

It appears your father was part of something bigger and he had friends on the inside. He faked his own death Alex, that executioner was one of his companions, and he's after your family.

I am praying this letter reaches you faster than he does but I know it will be close. Take your family, the whole Isle if you must for there is room, and board the ship this letter arrived on, join us in Vexley to protect yourselves.

Alex, there isn't much time so please, I beg of you, we can send another ship back if the first one turns out to be too small but you, my brothers, Sausage, your kids, Juniper and Cate's godparents (if they have been announced yet) must be on that boat.

I hope to see you soon, friend.


"Alex? What did Amber say?" Scott muttered to his husband, tapped his foot anxiously, he knew his sister's codename.

"There's a ship, bound for Vexley, she wants at least the family on it now. She's sending more boats if the whole Isle doesn't fit but we need to go," Alex handed the letter back to Water.

"Then we will get you two, Sausage, Cate, Hermes, Juni, Acho, Sniff, Guqqie and Owen on that boat now. Do not worry about the rest of us, we will sail afterwards," Water turned to the door, opening it just enough to converse with Acho.

It was not an easy feat, but they were successful with all but one, Sausage did not board that boat, he wouldn't until he knew that his family was safe in Vexley first.

Hermes had completely shut down when the boat started to sail off without his Papa, he saw that Alex and Scott were broken but not to his extent. They knew in their hearts that he wouldn't have boarded but it still hurt to know he wouldn't be with them during this hard time.

Scott brought Hermes and Juniper into his and Alex's room and embraced them both, sitting little Catalina down on Hermes's lap as they sat on the floor together.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now