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Catalina waddled over to Kuervo, "Hola Tio Kuervo (Hello Uncle Kuervo)!" She plopped down in front of the Nayan boy.

Kuervo, who was internally having a mini celebration at being called uncle and was definitely not trying to maintain his mysterious persona, smiled softly, "Hola Sofia."

Catalina tilted her head slowly, "Tio, why do you call me Sofia? I love it but you are the only one and I have always wondered if there was a reason why?"

Kuervo bowed his head a little, running his hand through Catalina's hair, "Let me tell you a story. Do you want to get Acho and Will?"

Catalina nodded in excitement and ran off to gather her biological and honorary uncle respectively.

Kuervo sighed and looked up slightly, "Cat, ella es muy parecida a ti (Cat, she so so much like you)," he chuckled sadly.

Catalina retook her spot on one of the pillows laid out with Acho and Will close behind.

"I hear it's storytime?" Acho chuckled, but he noted the sad smile on Kuervo's face but something in star's gut told them not to mention it.

Will also took note of the look in Kuervo's eye and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lady named Catalina Isabella de María and her father was King but her mother was not Queen," Kuervo had to stop himself from using not so child friendly words to describe his grandfather and grandmother.

"Catalina married Jasper, a wealthy Conde, a count in English, and so she was then Lady Catalina, Condesa de Helios."

Catalina looked up in amazement, taking in every word.

"Catalina and Jasper had two children, a son and a daughter, Kuervo and Catherine, that is me and my younger sister."

Acho paused for a moment, he now understood why it hurt Kuervo to call Catalina by her first name.

"My sister went by Catalina at the request, or more accurately demand, of the Queen as her own daughter had been named Catherine and did not want them sharing a name, I called her Cat," Kuervo shot a small, quick, smile up.

And then it clicked for Will too and they let out a small, "Oh."

"Catalina is the Spanish word for the name Catherine but anyway, when I was four, she was born and I remember thinking she was the most precious thing in the world."

Catalina let out a small giggle, tilting her head in curiosity.

"When I ran away I missed her so much that calling you Catalina makes me think she'll be here one day and there will be two of you running about, so I call you Sofia and call her Cat."

Catalina nodded, "I guess it would be confusing with three Catalina's, your Mama, sister and I."

"If ever you want me to call you Catalina then you all you need to do is ask," Kuervo explained, smiling at the memories of his sister.

Catalina looked up at Kuervo and blinked a few times, "She sounds really cool! And it's okay! I like it when you call me Sofia!" She bounded off in excitement and it was Acho and Will who stayed.

"But your sister is-" Acho started.

"Dead. Yeah, I know. Acho, I wasn't going to tell Sofia that so she can believe my sister still lives in Naya," Kuervo shrugged, he'd made peace with the loss of his sister. She had died the day before Catalina had been born and he likes to believe that the Sausage-Denholm-Crowton girl was her spirit back on earth.

Dipper moved from his place by the fire and rested his paw on Kuervo's lap, nuzzling him.

"Now I do believe that I was promised a true Nightingale sleepover," Kuervo smiled with more happiness, petting Dipper's head as Isla took up residence by the fire.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now