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Alex opened his eyes slowly, he cried out in relief, "Sausage, do not EVER do something this stupid again! We were worried sick dear! And your kids! I can't lose you! Scott can't lose you! My love..." He threw himself at his husband to embrace him tightly.

"Alexander, my love, you can yell, scream, vent and let your emotions out in a healthy way when we get back to Vexley or Scott and Cate get back here yeah? For now, please just let me hold you and cherish the fact we are still alive," It took a few moments for Sausage to recognise the rest of the figures in the room.

In those moments, Acho went down onto the floor to sit, star was completely out of it and didn't want to risk blacking out while stood up.

Hermes, on the other hand, collapsed into a chair, closing their eyes tightly to banish the feeling that came as the aftermath of his massive magic usage.

Joel knelt beside the two, "Magical exertion sucks, there is water and food in my bag for you both."

"Hermes I knew was here, Acho I expected but Joel?" Sausage kept his lover in one arm while he rubbed his chest above his heart.

"You are my friend Sausage, and the father of my son, you are insane to think that I wouldn't help the moment I found out," Joel stood after making sure Acho and Hermes were alright.

"Come here Joel, I've missed you," Sausage brought him into his other arm, he had missed their late night talks and close friendship.

"I missed you too and I sorry I missed your wedding by the way," Joel hugged back before pulling back.

"You were saving the world dude, so I suppose you can be forgiven," Sausage teased, playing with Alex's hair gently.

"And now what to do with him," Alex gestured towards William.

"That is a future us problem. Besides, he's unconscious and on an island with people who despise his guts, so we can leave that for now and let me shower you with affection."

"Is like that," Alex nodded slightly with a soft grin.

"Then we shall do exactly that," Sausage promised, rocking on his feet gently.

With soft hesitation, Hermes slotted himself into Sausage and Alex's arms, crying softly into his father's chest.

"My dear sweet son, I am here," Sausage cooed, playing with his son's hair in order to calm him down to a more calm state than the demigod was currency in

"I love you."

"I love you too my dear  'Always and forever' means 'always and forever'," that was a promise and if there was something Captain Mythical Jay Sausage did, it was keep his promises, especially to family.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now