Pretty Boy

392 9 14

(Three updates in one day, look at me treating y'all)

The door had barely closed behind Scott before he was pushed up against it by four rough hands.

"Hello there gorgeous boy," Alex drawled, nipping at the redhead's neck, smirking at the soft groan he got out of his boyfriend, "Looks like I still remember where you like to be bit baby."

Sausage's hand trailed slowly down the Heron's shirt to reach for his belt, unbuckling it professionally with one hand.

"Do you want to keep going with this gorgeous?" Alex checked in with the prince.

"Gods, fuck yes."

(I'm going to skip here because I cannot write smut)

"So pretty for us isn't he?" Sausage muttered, peppering loving kisses over a panting Scott.

"So pretty, and so well behaved too," Alex spoke into the prince's bruised neck.

An incoherent whine was let out of the pampered boy, he kicked his legs gently.

Sausage gave Scott a sharp tap on his thigh, "Words Scott, you've been so good so far, keep being good for us."

"Cuddles?" Scott spoke up quietly, rubbing his legs together with excitement.

"Shower first Bub," the raven haired noble boy reminded the prince.

"I'll clean up in here, you two go first. It's been a while so I'll let you have time alone. I'll join you in a minute," Sausage groaned as he sat up, kissing both boys softly.

Alexander picked up Scott with great care and carried him into the shower, sitting Scott down on his lap to wash his hair.

The soft noise Scott made when the warm water hit his back made Alex smile, "I'm going to wash your hair now baby."

The soft silence that filled the room was a great comfort after the great stresses of the day. The bruise on Scott's back from the harsh kick earlier was starting to form against his pale back.

"My pretty boys," Sausage broke the silence as he stepped into the shower, joining the two on the floor.

"I'm going to miss you two," Alex admitted in a broken voice, rinsing the shampoo from Scott's hair.

"Then join us on the Isle. Scott's crew, my crew, Will's crew or Bek's crew. Though I think you'd fit in very nicely with us," the brunette offered, running his hand through Alex's hair.

"Maybe I will," Alex nodded slightly, heavily considering it.

On the other side of the hall, Acho was curled up in bed with Will, not in a romantic sense, but star wasn't feeling great that night and the noises he'd heard from his brother's room told him it was smarter not to go in to talk with star's brother.

"Do you want to talk about it at all?" Will broke the silence, wrapping his arm around Acho.

Star shook star's head, "I'm just feeling really off today, it's probably just all the emotions from the past week hitting me all at once, sorry."

"Don't apologise, just try to rest and relax," Will's hand rubbed circles on Acho's back as star curled up under the blankets, "Tomorrow you can introduce me to Amber officially and we can go on a Nightingale brunch."

"Thanks Will, and thanks for letting me stay tonight."

"Anytime, you don't hog the blankets like Apo does whenever we all have sleepovers so you're always welcome."

"I think I'll fit right in here with you guys."

"You will Acho, I promise you."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now