Heron's Date

277 11 1

(I've written Owen as an author with chronic pain, so this is just me having some representation)

A pajama party is literally one of the last things people think of when they think of pirates, but here they are.

However, alcohol is very expected of pirates so bonus points for that.

"Scooooott! Not fair! Someone back me up!" Owen threw her hands up in the air with an exasperated sigh, wincing at the sharp pain he felt.

"Nope. You admitted that you had a flare up so Scott is right, no sparring for you," Eloise giggled, sipping her drink.

"If you want to exercise, you may walk, run, dance or whatever but you will not spar until your flare up had passed," Scott spoke gently but with an authority to his voice.

"Stupid chronic pain," Owen rolled his eyes playfully, grabbing at Gabriel's hand.

"Eat a strawberry, they will make you feel better, placebo ya know?" Olive handed Owen a chocolate covered strawberry.

Owen thanked Olive and ate the strawberry, relaxing against the beanbag that she'd taken up residence in, cuddling against Gabriel.

"Alright Owen, your turn," Water crossed her legs with a pillow held to her chest.

"Cleo, truth or dare?"


"Arm wrestle Eloise, loser does a shot," Owen grabbed the bottle of alcohol between the group and poured the shot as the others assumed the position.

Scott placed his hand over the top of his two crewmates, "I'd say have a clean match but we are pirates and honestly it's just funnier when you don't. Three, two, one, go!"

The two pirates started to push against each other with the hopes of winning.

Minutes went by as the others cheered, waiting eagerly for the winner.

Cleo got closer and closer with each second until El slammed the redhead's hand down onto the table.

"Shot! Shot! Shot!" The faction chanted, cheering as Cleo sunk the shot.

"Scott, truth or dare?" Cleo asked as they slammed the glass back down to the table.

"Truth, I'm comfortable and will not be moving," Scott replied, sinking deeper back into the butterfly chair he'd claimed earlier.

"Give us a run down of everyone you are seeing. This is more for me because I'm confused but anyway," Cleo moved back down into a beanbag.

"Hang on, let me just think. So I'm in a relationship with Sausage and Alex, met Alex when I was six and we started dating when I was fifteen. Met Sausage at nineteen and started dating him at twenty. I'm often involved with the Kestrels group relationship, only with Martyn, Scar and Oli and the few others that occasionally join because Kyle and Guqqie aren't a part of that. But that's casual and more of a casual physical relationship, I'm not part of their poly QPR officially. Then there is Flam, my queer platonic boyfriend," Scott explained, ticking names off of his fingers.

"Good lords and ladies of the heavens," Gabriel smirked, sipping on his beer, "Those Kestrel sessions are so good though, I've missed the last few but I'm so excited for the next one."

"Saaaaaame. I love the pampering afterwards too, Martyn gives killer head massages and they have a big spa bath and the good old cuddle pile too," Scott smiled against his mojito, revelling at the thought.

"They are so nice even during hard sessions, like I have a really bad scar from a fight with a tiger and Oli kisses it so gently and tells me how pretty it is," Gabriel giggled, resting his head on Owen's shoulder.

"Sausage takes special care around my scars because of Mother and Father and my past with self harm," Scott revealed, hiding behind his glass, "Anyway, Olive, truth or dare?"


And so the game continued between the pirates of the Heron faction late into the night with the alcohol and secrets flowing freely.

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