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"Scotty!" The ginger man was pulled into a tight embrace, his long lost lover held them close together.

"Lex, oh gods I've missed you," Scott wrapped his arms around Alexander's waist to keep him close.

"I've missed you one million times more, every day I dreamt about seeing you again," the dark haired boy whispered, ignoring the stares they were getting from some older members of the court.

"Once I have my crew back and safe I am not letting you too far out of my sights all night," Scott promised.

"And you have to introduce me to that pirate boy Amber told me you've been seeing, gotta make sure he's worthy enough for me to share my darling little prince with," Alexander pressed a chaste kiss to Scott's neck as the pirates from the dungeon began to enter.

Kites came first, then Nightingales, then Kestrels and lastly the Herons.

"Oh my dears," Scott was promptly tackled into a very large hug by the Heron faction.

A little purple creature jumped up into Scott's arms and nuzzled him.

"Hello Cruppy, and hello dears, are you okay?"

"Gabriel didn't stop pacing when you and Owen never showed, but other than that it's just a few bruises," Cleo answered as the group dispersed from the hug, "Now be a lamb and introduce us to this lovely gentleman."

"Yes Ma'am," Scott teased, "Herons, this is Lord Alexander of Crowton, my first love. Alex, this is my crew."

"Do you think I could get names Darling?" Alexander whispered into Scott's ear, making the prince's hair rise on his neck.

"Right- Redhead is Cleo, Owen is the one who was addressed as the duchess, that's his boyfriend Gabriel, that's Christian, El has the box hat, Water has the long flowing hair and Olive has the dark braid," Scott pointed out, giggling as his crew slyly moved away when Sausage approached, Cruppy also took the initiative to jump to Olive.

"My Lord, Your Royal Highness," Sausage bowed, kissing Scott's hand softly.

"What did I say about calling me 'Your Royal Highness'?" Scott rolled his eyes, bringing Sausage in for a quick hug.

"Is this the new boyfriend? He's hot," Alex looked Sausage up and down, an approving look evident on his face.

"You must be the infamous Alexander that Scott would never stop talking about, I'm Sausage, Captain of the Kestrels," Sausage kissed Alexander's hand with the same love and care by which he had kissed Scott's.

"I am very attracted to you both right now so this is what we are going to do. You will both stay as far away from me as possible for the rest of the night and you will both be at my room tonight after dinner. Understood? Good. Great," Scott walked to the opposite side of the room to find Acho and Kuervo together.

"Gay panic?" Kuervo didn't need to even look at Scott to see, "Not very subtle."

"Please do not remind me how very gay I am," Scott grabbed a nearby drink and took a long sip.

"It's nearing four o'clock, Amber's kids should be out of lessons and arriving soon," Acho changed the subject to save star's brother from further teasing embarrassment.

"I can't wait to meet them, I've got the best stories to tell them," Scott bounced excitedly.

"His Royal Highness, Scott II, Crowned Prince of Avias! Her Royal Highness, Alexandrina, Princess Royal of Avias! Her Royal Highness, Willow, Princess of Avias!"

Scott and Acho set their drinks down and made their way towards Amber, who now had her newborn in her arms, her one year old sitting on the floor at her feet and her four year old standing beside her.

"Mama, an e sin Uncail Scott agus Uncail Acho? (Mama, is that Uncle Scott and Uncle Acho)?" The little prince asked, he had heard stories about his mother's brothers, the people he was named after.

"Yes Dearest. Brothers, meet Willow Amber Rose, Alexandrina Jacobi Avalee and Scott Acho Oscar," Amber placed the newborn in Scott's arms as the elder two made their way over to Acho.

"They are perfect Amber, absolutely gorgeous," the eldest of the Denholm siblings cooed.

"Hello lovelies, I am your uncle, Acho, and this is your other uncle, Scott. We are going to take care of you forever and we'll be the ones who let's you do stuff after your Mama has said no," the Nightingale knelt down to play with his niece and nephew.

The rest of the afternoon had flown by in a breeze and soon Scott was walking to his guest chambers to meet two very attractive men.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now