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(Here is the chapter I accidentally published earlier than I meant to lol)

(TW: Suicidal thoughts and ideation)

Alex had been out cold for multiple days and showed no signs of wether or not he would wake up. This had broken many people, but none more than his boyfriends.

Speaking of his boyfriends, the royal born boyfriend of Alexander was wondering if it was worth it anymore. Was life without his love in it really worth it for Scott? Did he want to keep living without the raven haired boy?

It was weird to think how full circle his life had become, he had been born in Avias, he fled with the intention of never being seen there again and yet here he was again, about to die in Avias.

The number six was important to Scott, it appeared everywhere in his life from before he was even born.

His mother was the oldest of six sisters.

His mother had given birth to him six days after his due date.

There were six days between his and Amber's birthdays, November 10th for him and November 16th for her.

He was six years older than Acho.

There were six main Herons after Acho had left.

It had been six years since he left Avias and returned.

There were six others in the plan days prior.

It had been six days since they had docked.

Six hours since he had seen his family.

Six minutes since he had seen Alexander.

Six seconds before he was about to die.

Scott took a step towards the edge of the tower, his mind feeling fuzzy and his vision blurred with tears, he took a deep breath and prepared to jump, to die.

Right as he took the step, he was pulled backwards by a strong, firm grip, "Queridas diosas (dear gods)!" The figure exclaimed, pulling Scott back from the ledge.

"Let me die..." Scott's voice was broken, he tried to pull away from his saviour, he didn't want this.

"I think the fuck not," Kuervo tightened his grip on Scott's wrist to stop him escaping, "I might be a Kite but I am not heartless."

There was a silence as they stood still, it took a few minutes for Scott to release the tension in his body and relaxed into Kuervo's grip, accepting the fact that the Spanish boy would not let him jump.

"Gracias Santa Maria (Thank you Saint Mary)," Kuervo let out a baited breath, "Come on Scott, we are taking you to Kyle's room, to Sausage. Come on now, let's go."

Scott let out a small, broken noise of agreement, closing his eyes as he was pulled along by his arm, he was all but physically dead to the world.

It took less than three minutes to get to Kyle's door and Kuervo started knocking rapidly, "I found him!" He called, letting out a breath when Kyle opened the door to reveal a very panicked Sausage.

"Scott mi amor, estás vivo. Me asustaste cariño (Scott my love, you are alive. You scared me darling)," Sausage pulled Scott into his arms, holding him close, inhaling the scent of his lover's shampoo for comfort.

"How did you find out?" Scott's words were broken and his eyes were dull, "It can't have been a coincidence that you were on the same tower at the right time."

"There was this oddly insistent magpie, it had a little piece of iron in its beak. It wouldn't leave me alone so I followed it," Kuervo spoke, "Neither of you are allowed to be alone from now until we figure out what is going on with Lord Alexander, not after this. Scott, you will have Acho and Sausage you have Kyle," there was no room left for argument in Kuervo's tone.

No one spoke, however a little magpie did chirp from outside the window when it saw Scott alive and safe.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now