Heron's Ride

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(Sorry this took so long, writer's block has been horrible)

"There is a little grotto not far from here we are going to, are you all alright back there?" Amber called from the front of the group, turning her head to see everyone.

A chorus of positive responses came from the riders as Scott fell into a walk beside Owen at the back of the group, shifting in his saddle uncomfortably.

"You know the palace staff have been gossiping?" Owen smirked, raising her eyebrow with a knowing look.

"About?" Scott's question was more of a filler, he could take a wild guess about what the latest palace rumours were.

"Lord Alexander and Sausage's beds haven't been slept in, they are gossiping about where they have been, and with who."

"How have you managed to get the servants to gossip with you? They don't tend to gossip with who they see as nobility. It took me years to get the staff to gossip with me, I was fifteen when the maids who weren't my ladies in waiting started to share secrets with me."

"I am charming and friendly, we also stood up for you and Kuervo so people are inclined to share things with Will and I that they wouldn't normally share with the upper class, we stood up to the rouge captain and he is very hated," Owen teased, running a hand along Cisco's mane.

"Please tell me you didn't confirm anything with them? I am not in the mood for another lecture from the council," Scott turned his head towards his friend.

"Of course not, though with how unsubtle you three were being last night, I think most people could put two and two together," the brunette moved forward into a trot to catch up with Amber to chat to her.

"Scott, I've gotta tell you something," Cleo fell back beside the fellow redhead, a proud look in their eyes.

"What illegal thing have you done this time Cleo?" Scott teased.

"It's not illegal, it's just morally grey!"

"What did you do?"

"I bribed the palace staff to bring us chocolate strawberries tonight so we can have a group dessert date, just the Herons. Also I punched that rebel captain dude," Cleo shrugged casually.

"You are lucky I like chocolate strawberries or it would be a sparring ban. I'll be there after my dinner with Alex and Sausage," Scott leaned down to kiss the top of Chief's mane as the group continued into the secluded grotto.

"Here we are! Do any of you need help dismounting?" Amber swung her leg over Destiny and flipped the reigns over a low-hanging branch.

"Yes please," Olive replied, taking the offered hand that Amber extended to slide down.

Cleo helped Water down and El managed to slide down the side of Tucker with surprising ease.

"Oweeeeeeeen," Scott's sing-song voice sang out, not being able to move his legs properly to get off on his own.

"Yeah yeah Cap'n," Owen held up a hand, which was graciously accepted by the sore pirate.

Scott let out a pained groan as he slid off Chief, immediately stumbling over to a nearby log to sit on.

"Are you alright?" Olive sat beside Scott as the others tethered their horses to various branches to keep them safe.

"Just sore, it's the penance for the very unholy things I was up to last night and this morning, don't worry about it."

"I suddenly don't want to know," Olive covered Scott's mouth with their hand for their sanity.

Scott licked it and was promptly left alone on the log with Cruppy.

"I'm going swimming," Eloise announced, setting her hat and coat on a bench near the lake.

"I'm going to watch you guys from the bench," Scott hobbled to where people had begun to leave their clothes and backpacks.

"I have some floats if you want them?" Amber offered from the water.

"Maybe in a bit Ambs, you guys have fun, I'll chill here with Cruppy," Scott replied, running a hand through his hair, considering growing it out.

"I'll hang here with you for a bit," Water sat beside Scott, resting her head against his shoulder.

"You feeling alright dear? You are ice cold," Scott pulled off his jumper and wrapped it around Water, pulling her close.

"I'm freezing but I felt rude asking one of the maids to bring me wood to light my fire or get me a spare blanket," she leaned into the warmth gratefully.

"Oh hunnybunches, I'll get Gabriel to grab you some, you shouldn't freeze. But if your cold, I can tell you that this lake is a hot spring and it is heavenly."

"I don't want you to be left out on your own, it's not fair."

"Then I'll get in," Scott pulled his shirt off, offering his hand to Water with a smile.

"Alright then," Water took his hand and the two slowly lowered themselves into the hot spring, finding a ledge to sit on.

Scott let out a satisfied groan as the hot water slid over him.

"Remember the night after the Factioning, we all swam around our home made pool? We got so drunk that night," Owen revelled in the memory, paddling across the spring.

"I still believe no one makes beer better than Cleo!" Scott cheered, relaxing against the wall of the spring.

"Amen!" Cleo replied, ducking her head underwater.

"You'll have to have me try it sometime," Amber giggled.

"Will do Amber," Cleo promised after she resurfaced.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now