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Acho smiled over to the Kestrel, a soft blush covering his pale features, "You are too kind to me."

Ausbie pressed a gentle kiss to star's hand, "It is only the truth, you are stunning and that flower crown suits you."

Acho's blushed deeper, "You flatter me," star chuckled.

"Well I am the nicer of the two of us, you always tell me to get back on the grill. I do not own a grill Acho, but I would buy one for you," Ausbie rolled his eyes playfully, tucking an orchid behind Acho's hair.

"It appeases my seagulls, that probably sounds crazy but it makes them happy and keeps them relatively well behaved," Acho shrugged, stifling a yawn.

"Are you tired my dear? You should have told me and we could have stayed in," Ausbie cupped star's face with love.

Acho shook his head, "I needed to get out of the house, it's been a bad day today," star nuzzled into Ausbie's hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ausbie asked gently, bringing Acho into his loving embrace, "Or do you want a distraction?"

Acho shimmied down to lay in Ausbie's lap, "I just want to cloud gaze and look at bees if that's okay?"

"Of course love," the Kestrel ran his fingers through the Nightingale's hair, letting the younger point out different shapes in the sky.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now