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Acho stood on the bow of the ship, waving farewell to those on the docks.

Beside star, Owen had her hand on the hilt of her sword, "I will kill William myself."

On Acho's other side stood Alex, Scott wanted to come but he knew mentally it was safer for him to stay in Vexley.

"If anyone has the right, it's Alex," Acho replied, turning to enter the sleeping quarters.

"I am going to kill that man for what he did to my family. He killed my mother and potentially my husband and son, he tried to kill me and Amber and planned to kill my other husband and my daughter," Alex seethed, resting his hand on his holster.

"We will be there by sunset, Hermes should have docked about now if my calculations are correct," Acho tapped star's foot anxiously.

Owen looked at them both, "Hermes's letter said that Sausage wasn't dead yet and based on the fact that there isn't a massive storm yet, he and Hermes must be alive," he thought aloud, sitting in an armchair with a hiss.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked, looking over at her.

"Yeah all good, chronic pain, ya dig?" She shrugged it off, "Do you think we could get ahold of Joel of Stratos?"

"I could, I've met him a few times over the years but I know he's busy at the moment, like a big mission based on what Hermes mentioned," Acho dug into his pocket and pulled out a coin.

"Are you sure...?" Alex looked on cautiously, "He won't be mad?"

"I think he'd want to know, it's his son and former love. Like Sausage said, they weren't meant for each other but they still loved each other and they still do, but it's platonic now," Acho explained.

"Alright, okay then. Let's summon him..." Alex agreed, taking a deep  breath.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now