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Acho and Scott had moved into Amber's tea parlour both still smiling in joy.

The brothers were still celebrating with their sister but she seemed a little off, like something serious was bothering her, weighing on her soul.

"Amber, this is absolutely awesome! You are such an incredibly amazing mother!" Scott lent in and embraced his sister, wanting to hold her like he used to, before the world turned so bad.

Amber let out a small sob, burying her face into Scott's shoulder.

All remnants of a poised queen disappeared from her as she wept like a girl to her brother, not a Queen, not a royal, simply a girl.

Scott's face fell as he embraced his sister tighter than before.

"What's going on Ambs?" Acho asked gently, worry lacing star's voice.

"Look... You know how Father died...?" She was scared about how they'd react to her secret.

Hudson may have been a horrible man but he was still their father when it came down to it.

It was Acho who responded, "An assassin, three to be more specific, tried to kill you and successfully killed him. What does that matter now, all these years later?" Star joined the embrace.

Scott sent a look to Amber, worried about her, the death of their father had always been suspicious to him and he'd heard things from people.

Amber pulled back, "You should sit."

Scott was hesitant, but he sat, he'd heard the rumours of course but he hadn't believed them.

Acho sank into a chair, "Have they resurfaced? Are you in danger?"

"I stabbed him."

"You what?" Scott blinked slowly, "Amber..." So Alex hadn't lied when he admitted to Scott last year.

Oh the argument that followed still made Scott shiver. He's glad they had the decency to talk it out like respectable adults afterwards but Scott could no longer live in denial.

"Don't. Just please let me explain before either of you speak," She made a point not to make eye contact.

"We aren't mad Ambs, but if you want to explain then go ahead," Acho nodded gently.

"There was so much he did that neither of you ever knew, stuff that started long before you guys left. After my son was born and I watched that monster hold him and call him the perfect heir I decided I had enough. I refused to let my son be raised in this world if that man was still alive," Amber explained, looking down, she felt dizzy.

"I would have done the same," Scott admitted, "Amber I'm concerned about you, you look pale and ill, you need rest."

"I am Queen, I cannot rest," She stood then immediately fell back into her chair.

"You will rest, just name a regent and retire to the countryside," Acho urged, gripping his sister's hand.

"Will you both...? And Will and Kuervo, they're here too right? Share the work so it won't wear you down..." Amber muttered, standing weakly.

"For you, of course we will," Acho promised.

Scott stood to fetch a lady to help move Amber before going to inform the council, Will and Kuervo.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now