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Scott was sat on the bench inside the Royal Rehabilitation Institution, watching his nephew play a game of ball rolling with a tiger who had been injured as a cub and raised in the menagerie.

Scott II giggled and clapped his hands together on excitement, "Uncle Scott! Would you like to play with us?"

Scott let out a gentle chuckle, "Of course bud," he moved to sit beside his nephew, smiling softly.

"Uncle Scott? We are going to your home tomorrow yeah?" Scott II rolled the ball back towards Lola the tiger.

"Yeah, I just have to finish packing tonight, your sisters went with Acho so it'll be you and I," Scott explained, running his hand through a lion's mane.

"Alright! I should also go finish packing, I'll see you later!" The younger prince stood and hugged his uncle before he left.

Scott sighed, resting himself against the friendly tiger, "I'm glad you can't talk to anyone because you have seen me at my worst this visit Lola."

Lola nuzzled up against Scott's hand, letting out a gentle purr.

Scott sighed, "Lola, once your rehabilitation is done, we could take you back to the Isles and let you roam free safely. One day, so long as the world starts going better."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now