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(Sorry for the lack of updates anywhere, I am sitting exams over the next couple of weeks so I've been studying)

Acho met Will outside of the Queen's study the next morning feeling just a bit better after star's heart to heart with Sun God. It wasn't much but it was a start.

One of the ladies in waiting opened the door for them with a bow, closing it behind them after they had entered.

Acho moved to draw the curtains, smiling at the sight of the gardens and the rays of sun now spilling into the office, "That's better."

Will sat, sighing at the amount of paperwork that was sat on Amber's desk, "Want to pick a half?" He asked Acho.

Acho tapped a pile slightly and moved it to star's half of the desk, "I do not envy her one bit. Or Scott now I think of up it, I saw how much paperwork Mother and Father made him do while he was Crowned Prince," they shuddered as he opened the first document.

"Care to make this interesting with a bet?" Will offered, signing off on a document about agriculture and farming after he'd read it, "Most interesting document gets one hundred gold?"

Acho looked up, "You are one!" Star started glancing over the document in his hands.

Out in town, Scott was walking alongside Kuervo with a smile, "I'd like to visit somewhere in particular at one point today, if that's alright?"

Kuervo gave him a quizzical look, "Yeah, that's fine. Where though?" He questioned.

"When you are instated as Crowned Prince or Crowned Princess of Avias then it is traditional to open something in your name. Grandfather opened a training ground, Father opened a lighthouse, and Amber opened an orphanage," Scott listed.

"You were Crowned Prince for a while, what did you open?" Kuervo asked with genuine curiosity lacing his voice

"The good thing was that Father didn't read further than the title of my request, which was 'Youth Sanctuary', before he signed it so I opened a safe house for queer youth," Scott explained with a proud beam spreading across his face.

Scott had been hit hard and a lot when his father had found out that his youth sanctuary was actually for queer kids but he was forever insistent that as long as he was helping someone then he did not care.

"That is incredible! We should go spend some time there now!" Kuervo saw how happy his achievement had made Scott so he'd let the redhead enjoy the good he'd done in the world.

Scott's eyes lit up, "Really?" He bounced in excitement.

Kuervo nodded slightly, letting Scott take the lead.

Scott stopped in front of a calcite building named Starbourne Sanctuary, pausing before he opened the door, "Long time no see."

"Scott!" A young adult looked up from a book, shock on their face.

"Look at you! You're wearing the uniform! You work here now?" Scott hugged the staff member.

"Of course! Oh you have to see the new games room!" They turned to face Kuervo, "Oh hello! My name is Ezra but you can call me Ez, it's nice to meet you!" He stook out it's hand.

"Kuervo. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Kuervo took the offered hand.

"Ez here was one of the last kids to come through before I left and it was just the sweetest kid. He was about ten, so looking at him now as an adult working at the place I opened makes me just a bit emotional," Scott wiped away a tear.

"Do not cry or I'll cry! Now come see the different floors, we've expanded a lot over the past nine years! Six houses now!" Ezra dragged Scott upstairs and Kuervo stayed behind to talk to a teen in the corner who caught his eye.

He approached cautiously as not to spook the teenager, "Hola."

The teen looked up, "Hola, and that's about the extent of my Spanish knowledge. My name is Koko, what's yours?"

"My name is Kuervo, I'm a friend of Scott's," he explained, "Ezra mentioned something about 'houses'?" He questioned.

"I think it's like what you guys call factions. We have six but the whole purpose is just for head counts and games nights. We don't particularly care about someone's house, if we want to get to know them than we will," Koko shrugged his shoulders.

"What are the houses called?" Kuervo sat across from Koko.

"The original three that Scott made were Rivendell, Chromia and Coral, recently we've added Milo, Cherry and Moth to the list. I'm the Prefect of Rivendell House," Koko explained, setting his book down.

Kuervo nodded as Koko explained how the Starbourne Sanctuary worked and how much better his life had become after he'd started studying at the school here instead of a public one.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now