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(Look, it's chapter 69, of course it was going to be saucy)

He was stressed, and tense, he had too much energy built up under his skin with no way to release it.

"Finnegan and Ausbie were on the boat that arrived last night, do you want to have a session with one, or both, of them? I think you need one right now," Scott rocked Cate, they had gone straight up to their room after the meeting but he could tell that his husband needed to be anywhere else.

Alex blinked a few times, "Are you sure that's alright?"

"Baby, we are an open polycule, of course I am alright with it and Sausage wouldn't want to see you like this," Scott promised, "I'm going to nap with Cate, then maybe I'll see if Herms wants to take a walk."

"I love you Scott, have fun and stay safe," Alex pressed a kiss to his head and to Cate's too.

"I love you too, and you have fun too Babe," Scott shooed him out of the room.

Alex made his way through the castle, stopping outside of one particular room, he paused for a moment before knocking.

"Oh hey there Alex, what can we do for-" Finnegan stopped when he saw how agitated Alex was, "Want to come in? You look like you need to forget something."

It was a long standing tradition within the Kestrel faction, well this generation anyway, when someone was in the need for a good old shag, they'd appear at the door of either Finnegan, Ausbie or Alison, though she was rarely necessary as most of the Kestrels were either gay men or in a monogamous relationship.

As soon as the door was closed, Alex kissed Finnegan, pushing him against the wall.

Finnegan let out a low chuckle, moving to flip the two around so Alex had his back pressed up against the door, biting at Alex's lower lip.

Alex gasped, the feeling of Finnegan's tongue in his mouth made him relax against the door.

"There you go, that's is, you are being so good," Finnegan muttered through the kiss, moving one of his hands to pin Alex's above his head and the other undo the taller's belt.

"Bed... please... Sir..." Alex bucked his hips up, tilting his head back.

Finnegan picked up Alex, still making out with him, "So needy huh? Feel good baby?" He set Alex down on the bed, pulling off his shirt.

"Yes Sir, very good Sir!" He moaned out, squirming beneath the elder boy.

"Good. Hold still."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now