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Will was fidgeting with their tie nervously as he sat with the rest of their faction, he hadn't even had time to have a real talk with the rest of the Nightingales before the funeral and yet here he was about to give a speech with no time to mourn with his family first.

Mr Rainforth's coffin was an open casket and Will had nearly bawled when he'd seen it, it hurt them that he never got to say goodbye.

"I'd like to invite Will, our Nightingale Captain, to speak to you all," Marnie stepped back from the podium and took her seat between Jojo and Mrs Rainforth as Will stood and made his way up to the lectern.

"Mr Rainforth has been a much beloved member of my family since I was just fourteen years old, he was a part of my family just like he was to every other Nightingale. I asked the rest of the Nightingales before this to explain how Mr Rainforth fit into their lives and family and I'd like to share them with you..." The tears in Will's eyes began to spill, he didn't think he could do this alone.

Michela knew she was first on the list and so she stood to move beside Will, holding his hand so he didn't have to do this alone anymore, "We are here, we will help you, we are a family Will and that's what family does," she invited the rest of the Nightingales when their turn came, they had all been sat in chairs just off the podium.

Will returned to his seat holding onto Graecie and Acho's hands as he stifled back a cry.

Michela went first, "Mr Rainforth took me into this faction when everything in my life got really bad. I crashed on this Isle and it didn't look like I'd survive but he took me in and saved my life when I didn't think it could be saved. I am saying goodbye today and I thank you for loving me at my worst and supporting me through my life here," she took a step back to stand silently behind the coffin.

Graecie stood next and stood behind the podium, "No one wanted me when I was born. No sugar coating here, I was abandoned on the beaches of the Nightingale base by my parents and if Mr and Mrs Rainforth hadn't been on a walk I wouldn't be here. I love you like a father, you raised me when no one else would," Graecie was crying as they moved to stand beside Michela.

Will was next, he was sobbing at this point when suddenly he felt a little hand on his leg and there at his feet sat Cate in her black mourning dress.

Will looked up and saw Scott nod slowly with a sad smile, he'd arrived only an hour before the funeral and at that moment Will was eternally grateful.

He picked up Cate and walked back towards the lectern, "I was raised by 'Boys don't cry. Boys don't show emotion' for fourteen years. The day I met Mr Rainforth I lost it, I just broke and he sat with me and validated my emotions. He was the father that loved me when mine did not. Goodbye Mr Rainforth," Will held Catalina in his arms as he stood beside Graecie.

Acho was up next, "Mr Rainforth sat me down not long after I joined the Nightingales when I kept doing alno could to please him and said to me 'Acho, I don't know what your father did to you and you don't have to tell me but you do not have to be perfect. You are allowed to make mistakes, allowed to relax,' and then I realised that no matter how many times I tried denying it, I was living to please male authority figures. Thank you Mr Rainforth for showing me the way in my life to live," star stood beside Will with a small amount of tears in star's eyes.

Apo stood next, and anyone could see he'd been absolutely sobbing for days by his puddy eyes and scratchy voice, "I was b-broken beyond belief when I arrived here and yet I h-hid it so well that I started to believe it was all just normal but he saw straight through me. Mr Rainforth saw a broken pirate barely out of his childhood and offered a helping hand to protect me and hear me out. I don't know what I'll do without you Mr Rainforth but I hope whatever I do makes you p-proud," Apo wiped his eyes and his himself in Acho's embrace, trying so hard not to break again.

Ros and Jojo came up together, holding hands.

Ros spoke first, "The castle has always been my passion project since I was a young girl but I never had a place to call home long enough and when I was feeling guilty for sticking around it was Mr Rainforth who tartes to help me build the castle as an anchor. Mr Rainforth, thank you for helping me stick around, thank you for loving us and helping us accept that we truly deserved to be here," Ros stayed when she finished speaking.

"I was welcomed into this faction with no questions asked about it by Mr Rainforth despite the fact I felt so out of place. He reminded me that if I wasn't a true Nightingale then I would not have joined the faction. I had not been welcomed so warmly in places I'd been before and I thank you Mr Rainforth for welcoming me here," Jojo led Ros to their places, holding each other by the arms for comfort and support.

Marnie retuned to the lectern, "My family comes from all corners of the Ecclesia and Mr Rainforth held us together in a way we needed. Elijah was a friend, a brother, a mentor, a husband and a father figure. He was everything to us all and it is a pain in my heart to see him gone. I invite his wife, Mrs Summer Rainforth, for the final goodbye."

Summer Rainforth stood, "My dear Elijah, I know you wouldn't want us to be sad that it is over but to be happy we had this time with you so I will keep this short. I love you and you loved me, plain and simple, you were my rock and I loved you. You saved me from my father's clutches and I'll live you forever and always, my dearest Elijah. I ask those who are able to stand as Elijah is laid to rest," Summer and Marnie stood with the Nightingales.

The shuffle of standing feet hid the sound of the piston as Mrs Rainforth closed her husband's coffin after kissing his hand and it began to lower into the ground.

The Nightingales all looked broken and so no one tried to speak to them as they left for the tavern to just be together.

Will approached Scott, Sausage and Alex, "Please don't say anything about how sorry you are for our loss, I can't hear that right now. Thank you Cate for being such a lovely girl for me, I needed that," he kissed her forehead and handed her back to Scott.

"Just take care of yourself Will," Scott replied.

Will nodded, "I'll try, but I'll be taking care of my family too, we'll be taking care of each other. Speaking of, I can see Graecie and Kuervo waiting for me. He's... supervising... us to make sure nothing bad happens. Bye I guess."

"Goodbye Will," the wedded throuple chorused back.

Will made his way towards Graecie and Kuervo, taking her hand as the three walked towards the Nighting-Ale in a comfortable yet heavy silence.

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