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Sausage knocked on the door gently, "Hey Babes, you ready?" He called out.

Flam opened the door with teary eyes and the same clothes he'd gone home in three days prior after the promise of a date night soon when he needed to leave the Kestrel base for work.

"Woah woah woah Baby! What's going on? Are you alright? What's wrong?" Sausage asked gently, moving the bouquet of blue lilies to his offhand as he fretted.

Flam shook his head, slowly moving into Sausage's arms with a small sob, letting his pent up emotions out.

Sausage moved them gently into the house, setting the flowers down so he could hold his husband's boyfriend tightly, "Bad brain day?" He asked through reassuring forehead kisses.

Flam nodded, "Sorry," they looked down guilty, wiping his eyes.

"What for Dearest?" Sausage sat then both down on the couch, still holding onto Flam, it was his personal rule that if someone who was upset hugged him then he wouldn't let go or move back until they did. He was concerned why Flam was apologising for having emotions but that was a conversation to have in the future, not here and now.

Flam whimpered, nuzzling more and more into the Kestrel's chest for the warmth and reassurance brunette captain's presence gave to the blue haired boy, "I ruined our date, you got all ready and I couldn't even get out of bed before you arrived."

"You haven't ruined anything Flam, date night isn't about dressing up and going out, it's about both of us spending time together. Whether we go out for dinner or simply sit here together, I am glad to have spent time with you," Sausage reassured lovingly, "Would you like to talk about whatever is bothering you or do you just want affection?"

Flam considered their options for a moment before he answered, "Feeling unattractive," he muttered out, hiding their face.

"Oh Sweetie, I think you are so beautiful, do you need it proven to you?" Sausage kissed the blue haired sailor's hair gently.

Flam turned a bright shade of red, hiding even deeper in Sausage's chest, "Maybe...?"

"Well hey, let's have a chat about boundaries and what you and I like and both like and we can go from there. Even if we do something as simple as cuddle, I'd like to make sure you are comfortable and feeling loved," Sausage could only chuckle sweetly at how red Flam had become.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now