Don't Tell

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(Happy 100 chapters y'all!! When I started this, I never expected to get to where it is today and I've loved watching it grow and develop. Here's to many more chapters to come!!)

Acho sat on one of the chairs in the parlour, "The Kestrel base will never fail to amuse me. This parlour is absolutely gorgeous, you have an eye for detail."

Alex settled back into the second chair, "Thanks Acho, I am quite proud of how it overlooks the garden and is directly across from the private spa."

Acho nodded a little, picking up his cup of tea, "You and I haven't had a chance to hang out in a while, huh?" Acho's smile fell when star turned to face Alex and saw the tears in his eyes, "Alex? Are you alright?"

Alex looked up and blinked quickly to banish the tears as quickly as they arrived, "Yeah, sorry."

Acho set the cup down, "You know that you can always talk to me, right? And if it's something you don't want Scott or Sausage to know then I won't tell them until you are ready," star promised.

Alex did not look star in the eyes, "I was never meant to make it. I should be dead, Acho, I want to be dead. I do not want to think to much about it but I shouldn't have lived this long. I struggle to get out of bed in the mornings, I struggle to walk some days and I struggle to do as much as breathe most days."

Acho thought for a moment, "I think you should talk to Owen, she used to feel like this before she saw a medical specialist, I think you should seek medical help because I believe you still have a long life ahead of you."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore, I just-" He cut himself off and grabbed his chest, hissing at the sharp pain that shot across his chest, "I'll talk to Owen soon, I promise but I don't want to think about it."

Acho hesitated for a moment but nodded, "If that's what you want, do you want to talk about anything in particular?"

"Well, the Kestrels have been working on a 'big surprise' for tonight since it was my birthday last weekend, they've been planning for weeks and I feel like I should find a sitter for Cate since we are all busy tonight. Scott and Flam are on a date, Sausage is at my birthday surprise and I am very much expecting to get laid tonight," Alex chuckled as the pain in his chest faded away.

"I'll watch her, I love her so much, plus at the Nighting-Ale tonight, just hanging out with Will, Apo and Kuervo and they love Catalina to pieces," Acho offered, taking the teacup back into his hands.

"Really? That'd be alright with you?"

Acho nodded, genuinely smiling.

"Thank you so much, Acho, love ya, slash p," Alex giggled.

Acho giggled in return, "I love ya too, slash p."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now