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Scott had always hated looking in the mirror, but yet he found himself drawn to look time and time again, to find every little imperfection on himself.

He had caught himself doing it today, standing shirtless in front of the big mirror in the communal Kestrel living room, tugging at the skin on his stomach.

"Alex! Sausage! I need to talk to you!" He called up, pulling his shirt over his head before he sunk down into a cushioned lounge chair.

"Hello Darling, come give me a hug," Sausage descended the stairs and bounded to cuddle up with Scott.

Alex was not far behind Sausage, laying against the right side of Scott, "What's up baby?"

"I caught myself picking out my insecurities in the mirror again and I didn't want to get too deep into it, the stress is not welcome right now," the former royal pulled a pillow into his lap, hugging it against his chest.

Sausage was the first to respond, pulling Scott into his lap, resting his boyfriend against his chest, "You are gorgeous my sweet one, absolutely stunning inside and out."

Alex moved to kneel down before the two, cupping Scott's face, "What specifically is bothering you Bubs? Is it something you want us to help you with?"

"My stomach again..." Scott pulled the pillow tighter against him, inhaling the distant scent of pancakes from the kitchen nearby.

"Sweetheart, I've told you time and time again for years that your stomach is perfect and you are pretty and-" Sausage started to ramble, kissing Scott's face.

"It's getting bigger..." Scott muttered.

"So what? You are still gorgeous-" Alex started to compliment Scott as well, but both he and Sausage were cut off.

"I'm pregnant!" He blurted out, looking down quickly as the other two went quiet, "I'm sorry..."

"What for? Baby, we are going to be parents! Sausage, we are going to be dads! If you want to keep them thet is?" Alex stimmed excitedly, knocking his wrists together.

"Yeah, I want to keep them," Scott was relieved that Alex was on board but Sausage was yet to speak, so Scott pulled out the middle name card, "Jay?"

"I'm going to be a Papa?" Sausage asked, his excitement was barely contained.

"Si my love," Scott confirmed.

And that was the final piece of the puzzle to cement his decision, Sausage needed to talk to Acho and Kyle.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now