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Your Majesty,

We, as representatives of The Rebellion, have sent this formal request to ask you diplomatically to abdicate your rights to the Throne of Avias.

We ask you to relinquish your family's rights to the Duchy of Crowton, we may not like Lord Alexander at all but alas he is Lord William's heir and we worked with Lord William.

The law states that if no member of the Avian Royal Family is fit or available to rule then the succession passes over to the Duke and/or Duchess of Crowton. We are aware that leaves us with a Denholm as a consort but we have ways to silence Scott if need be.

If you know what's good for you then you will sighed the attached form;

I, Amber the First, of the Kingdom of Avias and her overseas lands and territories, do hereby declare My irrevocable determination to renounce the Throne for Myself and for My descendants, and My desire that effect should be given to this Instrument of Abdication immediately.
In token whereof I have hereunto set My hand this day yet to be dated, in the presence of the witnesses whose signatures are subscribed.

We hope you make the right choice, Your Grace, for the safety of your family, especially your children.

Will set the paper on the table, "I've just won," he hissed, seething in anger.

Acho skimmed over the anger, rolling his eyes, "I'll pay you but we all got one of these at some point. Burn it if you wish."

Will hesitated before they tucked the letter into his coat pocket, "Will we tell Amber?"

"Will, that's like the third one she's got, every King and Queen as well as most heirs get at least one, it's fine," star replied, making a small note on a scrap of paper about the money they owed Will as star had finished his pile.

"Are they normally this specific? Like they called out Scott and Alex by name," Will pushed, worrying.

Acho sighed, "People can walk in at any moment," star whispered between his teeth, "I am lying to you in case a member of this plot walks in this office. Please play along, for my family's safety?"

Will nodded slowly, responding with a fake sense of calm, "Of course, I don't understand what being royal means so I don't get letters or demands like these. You're right Acho, I shouldn't stress about phony demands," he panicked internally as he signed the last document about housing the homeless.

"We need to find Kuervo and Scott, now," Acho stood, grabbing his cane and their crown, "It is time to remind Avias how we Denholms have done so much for this country. Father and Grandfather may have been absolutely horrible men but no one can deny he changed this country. For better or worse, they changed Avias during their reigns. A Denholm does not back down, so we will fight for our sister's throne," star hissed out, walking out of the office room with Will.

Will walked beside Acho with his head held high so as not to convey his fear as they made their way towards the throne room, "Acho, do not do anything rash, please?,"

"I won't do anything too harsh yet. But mark my words, if they hurt my sister then I will kill them myself," Acho promised, sitting on his sister's throne after star and Will were announced.

Will stood beside Acho, "If you please, send for Lady Amilen to meet us here, she is the Queen's head of household and Council," they asked the page politely, muttering the second part to Acho.

Acho nodded, he liked Lady Amilen, she had always been nice, "She's a good ally to have, now do not show any sign you know the document exists. It is best for everyone's safety we look content and happy after our paperwork," star explained.

"Of course, Your Royal Highness," Will teased with a mock bow.

Acho rolled star's eyes, "Do not Will, not you of all people, we have been friends for nearly my entire life," they chuckled.

Will simply smiled in return, happy to make Acho feel just a bit better.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now