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A sharp pain shot down his abdomen, the same pain he'd often heard his mother complain of before Acho was born.

"Scott? Are you alright?" Hermes looked up at his Papa's fiancé, Sausage and Alex were out on a secret mission for Alison so the younger demigod was keeping the elder one company at the Heron Base, bonding.

"Hermes, I need you to get Christian now and go find Alison to ask where your Papa and Alex are," Scott hissed, squeezing his thigh to try to divert the pain.

Hermes rushed out of the door and did not return, instead Christian came in to find Scott levitating with magic particles around him, "It'll be over in a flash Scott."

Scott screamed, his body contracting within a flash of light, the magic set him down and moved towards the bassinet.

Christian caught Scott as he hit the ground, moving him into bed before going to check the baby, "Hello lovely one," he moved the bassinet over to Scott.

Scott's body felt so drained until his daughter was placed in his arms, "My little girl."

Suddenly three figures barged through Scott's door, his fiancés and stepson.

"Mi amor, mi amor, ¡siento mucho que nos hayamos ido! (My love, my sweetheart, I am so sorry we left!)" Sausage panic stressed but suddenly he stopped when he saw his fiancé and daughter.

"It was early, you had no way of knowing," Scott replied, sitting up slightly.

"My love, I am proud of you," Alex sat on the bed, playing with Scott's hair.

"Does she have a name?" Hermes asked, looking over at his sister.

"Hermes, meet your sister, Catalina Sophia Sausage-Denholm of Crowton," Scott yawned tiredly, his eyes slipping closed.

"Sleep dear, we'll be here when you wake up," Sausage moved their daughter into his arms to let Scott sleep off his major magical exertion.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now