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Settling into life with Leona had gone by quite easily over the few weeks that had passed since her arrival, she had befriended her son's husband and their partners.

Speaking of the partners of the husbands, they had a club that they had less than creatively named 'Partners of the Husbands Club'.

Alison had spent a long time getting ready, brushing out her hair and trying to dress appropriately for the occasion.

She pulled a plain yellow sweater over her to pair with her black trousers, flattening it over her stomach for a few moments before she went to grab her bag.

It took a few distracting conversations with fellow Isle residents before she made it to the home of the Kestrel Faction's resident muscle man, letting herself into the house as she had many times before, she was a welcomed guest after all.

"I'm here!" She called out, setting her bag down on a table near to the living room.

"Ali!" Martyn called from his living room, moving out to greet her, "Didn't think you would make it, Sausage said you'd been feeling off these past few days. Are you feeling any better today?" He questioned kindly.

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to both of you about," Alison sighed, taking a seat on Martyn's couch, fidgeting nervously.

"Is everything alright?" Flam turned to face her, the three had become good friends with their relationship to the wedded trio, "Are you safe?"

"You cannot tell anyone about this, especially not Sausage or Alex or Scott. I need you to promise me, please?" Her voice was laced with fear, with anxiety, and it rang several alarm bells in her friends' heads.

"Alison, if you are unsafe then I am going straight to Sausage with no debate. However, if you are safe then we both promise that it stays between us until you are ready to tell anyone," Martyn promised his faction leader and friend, "We are here for you Ali."

Flam took hold of Alison's hand gently, "You can tell us absolutely anything and we will support you no matter what."

"I'm pregnant..." She muttered, "And it's Sausage's," she lent into Flam's arms for comfort.

"Ali! That's incredible news! He'll be so excited!" Martyn exclaimed, adding himself to the embrace to celebrate with his friends.

"But he's married Martyn! Happily married if I may add!" Alison cried out, "And now I'm just the girlfriend that he knocked up outside of their marriage!"

"Alison, you know that Scott and Alex absolutely adore you, and do you think that they are really the type of men to be upset that their husband's girlfriend, one of their own friends, was pregnant with his child?" Flam pressed his hand against Alison's cheek.

"Alex is going to absolutely despise me!" She wailed, "This is Sausage's third child! I am going to look like I'm flaunting it in his face!"

"Alison, Alexander doesn't care that Hermes and Cate aren't his biologically, they are still his family and if you want him in your child's life then he will accept them with open arms," Martyn played with Alison's hair, "Ali, you have to tell him, please?"

"Not yet, please do not tell him," Alison begged, "I swear I will tell him eventually but I'm not ready yet."

"Fine, that's a deal. Now let me hug you close and celebrate."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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