To The Moon and Back

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Acho's letter had destroyed Scott beyond words. His heart had been smashed into millions of tiny pieces, set on fire and danced on all at once as he read his sibling's letter.

He had just informed the Herons that they were setting sail for Avias within the hour when he found it, he was with his crew when Cleo had seen the letter on Scott's desk and pointed it out.

He wasn't going to stop Acho from pursuing what star wanted, it would be hypocritical of him to even think about trying based on how he and Acho had become pirates to begin with. He wasn't going to stop his sibling but he was going to talk to Will.

Owen had offered to walk with Scott, having also fled from nobility for a better life, though not to the extent that Scott had.

"Acho the Nightingale huh?" Owen broke the silence that was between them as the two walked along the dark path to the communal grounds of the Isle.

"I can't say I didn't see it coming, I just thought maybe he'd tell me before he left in person, I'm his brother after all- Will!" Scott cut himself off as the captain of the Nightingales came into view from the top of the hill.

"Scott, if you are here to take Acho back then we will duel, you will not take my crewmate against star's will," the captain was not taking any chances. The Nightingales and the Herons may be friendly but that would change in a heartbeat if Scott took Acho.

"I am here to ask you to take care of star. Star was my brother long before star was my crewmate and star will be my sibling long after today," Scott sighed, Will and Kuervo were the only two non-Herons to know about his and Acho's past, Will from Acho and Kuervo from Amber.

Will's hand moved slowly away from his pistol holster, "Look, I know who you and Acho were, that's why I'm taking star home to visit his sister and her family. I also happen to know for a fact that's where you are heading. Give star a bit to cool down and then you can talk it out when you two meet again in Avias."

"You guys are going to Avias?" Owen joined the conversation.

"We leave at midnight," Will confirmed.

"I am sailing within the hour, Captain, safe voyages, and tell Acho I love star to the moon and back," Scott tilted his head in respect before turning to leave.

"Captain, safe travels," Owen followed suit, tipping his hat.

"Captain, Owen, safe seas," Will nodded and turned to walk away, but not before pulling Acho out from behind the tree star had hidden behind when they saw Scott approaching.

"I love you too Scott, to the stars and beyond," Acho whispered into the wind as the two Nightingales walked side by side in the opposite direction from where the Heron's had gone.

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