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The smell of food is what woke Scott up many hours later, Sausage was sat up beside him, rocking Catalina in his arms.

On Scott's other side, he saw Alex, snoring softly into the pillow and the Denholm boy smiled a little.

"Good morning dear one, did you sleep well?" Sausage asked, running his hand through Scott's hair.

"I guess, I was woken up to some shuffling at one point but I guess it was one of the Kestrels," Scott replied, taking his daughter into his arms, "Hello Cate."

Catalina let out a little coo of happiness.

"I have an idea for a party by the way, for Cate," Sausage nuzzled Scott's head.

"Yeah?" Scott replied, leaning into the affection, nuzzling back.

"If we want to lean into her noble heritage so let's have a ball, here on the Isle, pull titles out of a hat and dress up," Sausage suggested, caressing Scott's thigh.

"That is adorable! I love it! Oh and can Hermes be with us? Will he still be here?" Scott really wanted to be able to include Hermes in family activities, he'd seen what a bad relationship with step family could do to someone and he wanted to make sure Hermes knew he was welcome in their family.

"Yeah, he'll still be here, with how much time he's spent on the Isle exploring, I don't know how Liz and Joel will be able to pull him away from this place," Sausage chuckled.

"I wish them luck, but for now, let's focus on planning a big day for our little girl."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now