Let The Plan Commence

333 10 14

(Swearing occurs in this chapter and there will be more in this story)

"Her Grace, Owen, Duchess of Oakhurst!" The herald called, throwing open the door for Owen to walk through.

Owen kept his head held high as she approached Queen Amber and her husband, Prince Jacob, "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness," he curtsied deeply before the thrones.

Amber was confused, the duchess had written saying she wouldn't make it to the ball, but something caught her eye before she could question the woman before her, the Heron pin on his neckline.

Owen inhaled sharply as nothing came from the Queen or Prince at first.

"Your Grace, we are so glad you could come, do come join us!" Amber motioned for Owen to take up residence behind her throne, close enough to talk without being noticed.

"Thank you Your Majesty," once Owen was close enough, he leaned down to talk to the queen.

"You are with my brothers, where are they?"

"Trust us, this will help the kingdom greatly, but you need to trust us," Owen replied as the herald went to announce a set of names.

Amber nodded slightly, smiling as she recognised one of the people walking into the room.

"The Right Honourable, the Viscount Foster and The Right Honourable Lord Will of Touscany, Captain of the Nightingales!" The duo walked in with Will's hand wrapped gently around Kyle's forearm.

One of the rogue guards placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, but his captain hissed to him, "You cannot touch Lord Touscany, not while he is attached to Lord Foster. The Viscount comes from a very influential family and the Nightingale was a friend of Prince Acho before he was taken. Take any other pirate but do not touch Lord Touscany."

"Majesty, Highness," Will bowed next to Kyle, smiling at Amber as an equerry ushered them off to the side, right below the thrones.

"Viscount Foster, Lord Touscany," Amber smiled, she was nervous about this plan when she recognised the crown on Will's head, it had been Acho's after all.

"Sir Sausage, Knight of Mythland, Captain of the Kestrels! The Right Honourable Master Kuervo, son of Lady Catalina and Lord Jasper of Naya!" Sausage and Kuervo had not even made it a step into the room before the co-captain of the rouges grabbed Kuervo and shoved Sausage away.

Sausage stumbled forward, he would have gone face first into the floor if Kyle and Will hadn't caught him and pulled him towards them, Owen moved away from Amber's throne to hug onto Sausage.

"¡Suéltense, cerdos bastardos! (Unhand me, you bastard pigs!)" Kuervo yelled as his hands were bound behind him, he thrashed around to escape until he heard the cocking of a gun behind his head.

Owen burried her head into Sausage's shoulder at the sight of the weapon.

"Cállate Kuervo (Shut up Kuervo)," came a Spanish hiss from behind, one of Naya's ambassadors.

That was not good, he wasn't meant to be there, the plan hadn't accounted for this.

"Vete a la mierda (Fuck off)," Kuervo replied as he was shoved onto his knees beneath Amber and Jacob, his crown rolling towards Will, who picked it up and hugged it close.

"Let him go!" Will yelled, his hand clutching Kyle's arm as Sausage grabbed his other hand, if there was one thing Will would not let happen, it was the murder of another pirate.

"You are no one to me, I take orders from the crown and the crown must understand that this man is being hunted by the Nayan Navy, so we should kill him or hand him over to the Ambassador. So under whose authority are you demanding I release this scum?" Captain Edward snarled.

"That would be mine," came a voice from the door, a very familiar voice to Avias's people.

Scott hadn't even managed to make it three steps forward before he was harshly shoved to the floor beside Kuervo, his crown rolling towards Owen's feet.

"I believe this one has a bounty of 100,000 crowns Your Majesty," Edward pushed his boot into Scott's back but before Amber could respond, someone else did.

"Get your hands off of my brother and friend," Acho stormed into the ballroom, the entire room went dead quite.

Acho held out star's hand towards the non-bound pirates, having them move quickly to stand behind star, "I do not recall stuttering, get your filthy hands off of His Lordship and His Royal Highness!"

"Your Royal Highness," the crowd had been shaken out of their trance and suddenly there was a flurry of courteous bows and curtsies as the prince and the rouge captain stared each other down.

"Somebody explain what is going on!" Amber called, standing up from her throne.

"My captain and our friend are on their knees with guns held to their heads and our crews are sitting in your cells, Your Majesty. We had not even docked for thirty seconds when the late king's guards stormed us and we were last to arrive so, in the name of Lady Kristen, I fear to think how long the others have been here," Owen spoke, clutching Scott's crown.

"I have heard enough, unhand my brother and his friend! Lord Alexander, have my father's former guards arrested and release my honoured guests, bring them to me!" Amber waved her hand and in a flurry of movement, Scott and Acho were being embraced by their sister.

"You mentioned Alex? He's still here?" Scott whispered.

"He hasn't left my side since the day you left, he's been anxious to meet you and your other boyfriend. But you can go be a cute gay triad in a minute, I want to hug my siblings."

"Your kids, they didn't see that did they?" Acho asked, suddenly worrying for the safety of star's nephew and nieces.

"No, they are still getting ready, thank Crow Father, now hush and let me enjoy holding you two again."

"I love you guys, to the moon and back," Scott was definitely not crying a little.

"I love you to the stars and beyond," Acho replied, star was in fact crying.

"And I love you to the ends of the universe and the eternity after that," Amber finished their little tradition and much like her older brother, she is definitely not crying one bit.



Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now