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Owen knocked gently on the door with her foot, holding a metal pot of soup.

Mrs Rainforth opened the door slowly, "Oh, hello Dearie, can I help you?" She asked kindly though there was a hint of pain in her voice.

"I came to check on you and Mr Rainforth, the Nightingales are really worried about you but they say you keep acting like everything is alright. I brought you two chicken noodle soup, just please let me talk to you," Owen replied, holding the pot of soup up in his hands.

Mrs Rainforth hesitated for a moment, "You cannot tell any of the Nightingales, or anyone else for that matter," she warned, welcoming Owen into her home.

Owen nodded and promised to keep her mouth closed, "Hello Mr Rainfo-" she cut himself off, "Oh..."

Mrs Rainforth took the metal pot and set it in her kitchen, "He won't last the week and perhaps not even the rest of today," her voice cracked.

Mr Rainforth smiled sadly, "Don't cry my darling, I'd die one million times over for a fraction of the time we had together. My darling Summer, we promised to love each other forever and always. I have reached my forever and you can love me always until you reach your forever," he then reached out for Owen.

Owen stepped forward and suddenly he felt like his black sundress was oddly appropriate for the situation, "Mr Rainforth?" He choked out softly.

"Owen, please look after my family, my little Gales, they like you. They will be lost and hurting and I don't want them to end up hurt," Mr Rainforth held her hand, "I am proud of you, you might not officially be part of my faction but you are part of my family."

Owen nodded through tears, giving the elderly man's hand a gentle squeeze, "Yes Sir," she stood back as Mrs Rainforth took his place.

"Summer, my love, I love you more than the world itself and may Sun God bless you with the strength to continue after I am gone. Mrs Summer Hope Rainforth, you made my life worth living and I love you," Mr Rainforth closed his eyes slowly with the sight of his wife's sad smile.

"I love you too, my Elijah," Mrs Rainforth watched the life drain from her husbands eyes.

Sun God had appeared invisibly, "Mr Rainforth?" He saw the spirit of the deceased Nightingale standing behind his wife.

"Sun God, with how long you and I have know each other, I am Elijah to you," Mr Rainforth did not look back, instead he placed a ghost kiss on his wife's hair.

Sun God smiled gently, "You'll get to see her again, ghost or otherwise but I promise," Sun God took Mr Rainforth's hand to lead him into the great beyond.

Owen took Mrs Rainforth's hand and let her cry into him, "Can you come with me so I can inform Marnie? She's the Faction Leader and she needs to be the first informed so she can spread the word appropriately."

Owen nodded gently, "Of course, do you want to go now?"

Mrs Rainforth stood and walked to her closet, pulling out a black dress, "Let me change, and I'm glad you are in black. It is Nightingale tradition that once you are informed of a faction members death then you have to change as soon as possible into something black for official mourning."

Owen nodded and once Mrs Rainforth was ready they walked towards the bar.

Marine's usual smile disappeared when the two entered her bar dressed in black, Mrs Rainforth wearing a widow's veil, "Summer?" Marnie took a breath in.

Mrs Rainforth choked back her tears, "Miss Marnie Gatlin, as you are the Nightingale leader..." she paused, swallowing hard, "I am informing you of the death of the death of Mr Elijah Dante Rainforth."

Marnie moved out from beside their bar and hugged Mrs Rainforth, "Come, both of you and let me find my mourning clothes and we can cry together."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now