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Amber felt a small hand wrap around her pinky as she read, her oldest child had stayed with her while his sisters went riding with their father.

Scott II was nuzzled against his mother with a small smile gracing his lips, "I love you Mama!" He grinned at her.

"I love you too my little star," Amber replied, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Scott II closed his eyes, curling up in his mother's embrace as he let himself drift off.

One of Amber's ladies entered, "Princess Adelaide of Cralton has arrived," she informed the Queen.

Amber smiled, "Please send her in."

"Hey babes, how are you feeling?" Adelaide entered her friend's room.

"Tired, but a lot better than I did a few days ago," Amber set her book down with a sigh.

"Honestly, I was going to drag you out here myself if Scott hadn't got you to take a break," Adelaide sat on an armchair beside the bed.

"I'm glad I decided to listen to him and take a break honestly. Out here we are Mr and Mrs Denholm with our three kids, we aren't Queen Amber and Prince Consort Jacob with the heirs and future of Avias. Out here there are no crowns, no titles, no ranks, no traitors, no rebellions, no succession crises and no warring councils," Amber smiled, playing with Scott II's hair.

"Good my friend, and I will be with you until you return to Court and give birth," Adelaide promised, letting her hair out of its bun, "Now rest darling, I'll make some tea for you, love you."

"I love you too Dela," Amber replied, snuggling down into the bed.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now