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Scott and Sausage had been left alone in the bed a few hours later when Alex, Hermes and Cate had left to greet a few people on the docks.

"Sausage," Scott muttered, snuggling up to the Kestrel captain.

"Mhm?" Sausage hummed out, absentmindedly toying with Scott's hair.

"I love you," the redhead blushed softly, letting out a small yawn.

"And I love you too," Sausage replied gently, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you for always being such a positive influence on my life, I really appreciate you and your kindness," Scott Sausage-Denholm of Crowton was not normally one to voice his feelings, positive or negative, but he wanted to let Sausage know how loved he was in that moment of time.

"Awe Bub, thank you so much. I hope you know that you have just as positive of an impact on my life and Alex's life too," Sausage tangled their legs together, tracing small shapes on Scott's upper back.

The two sat in a comfortable silence for a while, soaking in each other's company for as long as possible. Sausage continued to trace shapes gently as Scott nuzzled against his chest with a tired him.

Sausage broke the silence with a gentle whisper, "Alright Baby, do you want to go see Amber today or wait until tomorrow after we've all rested and settled back in after stressful week we've all had?" He asked softly, still moving his finger, this time tracing a heart.

"I don't have the energy to socialise much more or pretend to be bubbly today. You can go see them if you want though, I'm just not feeling life outside these walls today."

Sausage shook his head, "My dear, I'll see her tomorrow if you want to stay here. For now, let's just wait for Flam to arrive and join our cuddle pile yeah? I know you've been excited for them to get back."

As if by a magical coincidence, Flam was knocking on the open bedroom door a few minutes later with a small smile gracing his lips, "I've missed you Baby."

"Flam!" Scott hopped up excitedly, embracing Flam tightly, "Your quest, it was the worst timing! I love you Bubs, I love you so much! I've missed you more than you can imagine."

Flam wrapped an arm around Scott's waist, giving him a gentle kiss, "I love you and missed you too Scott and I am so sorry that I missed so much but congratulations on the wedding and your baby girl!"

Sausage pat the bed beside him, "Come lay down with us, you'll get to meet Catalina soon and Herms is here for a while too."

Flam sat down, laying Scott down so the redhead's head was resting in his lap, smiling as the eldest Denholm sibling drifted off to sleep, "I'm not leaving again for a while, I'm staying here with my family. Is that alright? For me to say you guys are my family?"

Sausage gave them a chaste kiss, "Of course it's alright Babes, you are part of our relationship so you are part of my family. One day, if you too want to, you and Scott might get married, or Alex and I might marry one of our other partners and our family will keep growing."

"I'd love to marry Scott one day," Flam smiled at the sleeping redhead in his lap, "He's such a sweetheart."

"He really is, and by the way, I'd love to see your wedding to him one day if you both are ready," Sausage smiled, helping Flam move so both he and Scott were laying down comfortably.

"Thanks Sausage."

"Of course Flam."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now