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The night air was quiet for the most part, there were faint noises somewhere but he was drowning them out.

Some form of revelry continued in the distance, a ball of some kind, a meeting for council members perhaps but they didn't care.

Acho had a bottle of alcohol against his lips, drinking steadily from the glass container.

Star had really been trying to stay relatively sober, or at least cut back on their alcohol consumption, but life had disagreed with star's plans lately.

Destiny had been trying the Denholm siblings yet again, putting new pressures and rumours on their names.

Another bottle hit the ground, smashing against the marble floor, the second drink in the past five minutes when Acho reached for a third bottle.


Star stuffed the bottle hastily into his bag, "Hey, what's up? Do they need me?"

"I thought you were trying to cut back?" Sun God asked gently, ignoring Acho's questions, "Not drinking alone was your big thing to cut back on right?"

"Things haven't been going well in my life lately, I've been drinking a lot again to cope," Acho shrugged absently.

"Give me the bottles. I'm going to help you, if you'll take my help?" Sun God held out his hand towards the younger Denholm.

Acho hesitated for a few moments, considering star's options.

Sun God waited with baited breath, begging silently to himself that Acho would give him the alcohol.

Star handed over the bag, sighing in relief, "Thank you, for helping me."

"Anything for my pirates."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now