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The boat hit the docks and seconds later, Joel was off the boat and stood on the harbour.

Owen swung herself over the rail, landing beside the God, "Alex and Acho will take you to the Kestrel base to see if we can find Sausage and Hermes. I will take Lizzie to try to find Alison or another Faction Leader," she explained.

"Alright," Joel followed behind Acho and Alex, "I want them to be okay, that's my kid and his dad ya know? I love them, both of them, Hermes's my only kid and Sausage is a good friend," he muttered.

"I get that, I promise you that I will stop at nothing to protect them both, and you and your wife too. You two are part of my family now and I will do anything for my family," Acho's eyes glowed in a slight shade of dark blue.

"Thanks Acho. Wow, this place is gorgeous," Joel commented as they entered the Kestrel base.

"I know right, I love it and I still don't believe I get to live here," Alex smiled sadly as he reached the door he needed to open, "Ready?"

"Ready," Acho spoke.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Joel nodded.

Alex kicked the door in and there were three things that caught his eye immediately.

First was his father- no, he wasn't going to call him that anymore- it was William, knocked out and tied up in a chair.

Second was Hermes crying into a statue.

Third and finally was the statue itself, the body of his husband turned to stone.

Joel embraced his son, not saying a word, just holding him close to his chest.

Alex wanted to join them but a voice in the back of his head sneered at him, reminding him that he wasn't Hermes's real father.

Hermes held out his hand towards Alex, "Pa?" They muttered through tears, he wanted as many of his parents as he could have.

Joel smiled through his tears, "Come on Lex, you're his dad as much as we are," he held Alex and Hermes close.

"Dad, is there anything you can do?" Hermes needed to know, because nothing he did worked to unstone his Papa.

Joel looked at Sausage, then Hermes, "If I get enough magic it should work. You, Acho and I should be enough, if you are both willing to help?"

Acho nodded and moved to stand directly opposite Sausage.

Hermes moved to hold Sausage's right hand and Joel took the statue's left.

Alex watched Acho take the younger and older deities hands. He laced his fingers together and closed his eyes, bowing his head to pray to Sun God, Kristen, Phil and any other deity out there to save his husband.

William began to stir but some holy presence knocked him promptly back out cold, Hermes had knocked him out the first time so Sun God wasn't too bothered about divine intervention being a moral issue.

The Latin chant filled the room and time couldn't have felt slower, it was minutes but it felt like hours until the chant stopped and Alex was brave enough to open his eyes to see if it had worked.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now