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Your Majesty and Your Royal Highness,

I write to you bearing news of life here since your children, Their Royal Highnesses, returned home to you from their stay here.

Sir Sausage, Lord Alexander of Crowton and I are officially engaged to be wed. Sir Sausage took us on a picnic and asked for our hands. I understand that you gave him your blessing and I humbly thank Your Majesty's graciousness. I believe he also received blessings from Prince Acho and The Viscount Foster.

I am incredibly excited to become the husband of Sir Sausage and Lord Alexander as opposed to simply courting. Please do not misunderstand me for I enjoy courting them but there are many who do not view our relationship as valid but a legitimate marriage means that they cannot simply write us off.

On another topic of discussion, Master Hermes of Stratos came to stay with us for a while. Master Hermes is the son of Sir Sausage and Joel, Thunder God of Stratos from a fling when they were seventeen. Master Hermes is thirteen now and is such a polite and caring boy, a true credit to his family.

On the conversation of children, now that it has come to mind, it appears Their Royal Highnesses can expect a cousin aside from Master Hermes in the coming months. I am with child, My Lady and Lord. I am carrying the child of Sir Sausage. As Your Majesty knows, my life ambition was to be a father and now my prayers have come through.

I miss you and love you both.

Your ever loving brother,
His Royal Highness, Prince Scott I Denholm, Duke of Ibis
High Captain of the Herons

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