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A death deity had many powers of the universe but there was one in particular that stood out.

Death had resigned thousands of years ago and left Kristen and her Angel to live mortal life over mortal life to prove herself selfless by blessing her with Death's Gift.

You see, Death could reverse one death every century, not one question asked and it would be done.

No matter how many times Kristen and her husband's mortal bodies would die, she never brought one of them back and do she passed.

She had brought back parents, children, siblings and so on but never used it for selfish gain.

Death had yet to use her gift this century, something always told her she'd need it and it seemed she had been right.

Kristen, Lady of the Seas and Death herself, sat in all her majestic glory upon her throne as a lady knelt before her, bowing her head in respect for the deity before her.

The Angel of Death was absent, Kristen had sent him on a mission to leave her alone with this mortal soul.

The lady, one who had evidently come out in the positive side of Judgement, bowed her head, "My Lady."

Kristen smiled, "Please my dear friend, we are family, what can I do for you?"

She stood, "I want to see my son again if it is possible? I understand that even though you are divine there are limits but I just want to see him again."

Death's gift was a secret, one a soul did not know they were blessed with the gift nor that they had died until they died for a second, permeant, time.

Death bequeathed her gift to a person, they do not request her use it on them because no living soul outside of Death's family knew of the gift's existence.

Kristen sighed, "It has been many centuries and I can't guarantee that this ritual will still work but I can reverse your death. Every one hundred years I am granted the ability and I have not used this cycle's yet, I have not received a person in three hundred years. Are you certain this is what you want? I only ask because this is normally done as a person dies as not to alert mortals, not years after a death has been confirmed."

"I am absolutely positive, I want to see him and tell him how much I love him. Even if all I can do is be a ghost then I will take it but I need to see my son again," She fidgeted with her fingers anxiously.

"I will reverse your first death but you must understand, you died once and that cannot be undone, all I can do is bring your body back and place your soul there," Kristen held out her hand.

"Thank you Kristen," the black haired lady took Death's hand.

"Lady Leona of Crowton, I send you back to the mortal world. I, Death herself, am usually my one death reversal of this century. I have not used this power for hundreds of years, and did not use it to bring my own mortal body back nor my husband's as many of my predecessors have before me," Kristen's eyes glowed her signature shade as Leona disappeared.

As she was left alone, she smiled, "Tell Alex I said hello."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now