Homeward Bound

191 3 16

The ship gently rocked against the slight waves out at sea, though the mood on the ship was far too sombre so no one truly enjoyed the calmness and tranquillity the seas tried to provide.

Acho rolled over yet again, star's eyes were puffy and red but this time he had given up trying to go back to sleep.

Across the room, Will was curled up in an armchair, his nose buried in a book, although he wasn't truly reading it, he set it down when they noticed Acho had awoken, "Hey... How are you feeling?"

Acho sat up slowly, stretching out star's back and arms but before star could think, Will noticed something that raised alarm bells in his head.

"Acho? What is that on your neck? It looks like..." Will could only see the end of the red line and purple marks but even then he was concerned as to what had happened to his friend and fellow Nightingale.

Acho quickly adjusted the collar of his shirt to hide the marks that covered them, "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

Will's eyes narrowed with concentration, trying to figure out what they'd seen, "Those are bruises! Acho why are there bruises on your neck?" He stood and approached Acho, sitting beside him on the bed.

Acho turned away, not wanting to be seen crying, "When your family is under attack then you will do absolutely anything and everything in order to protect them. When the rebels turned on my sister I offered myself as a punching bag. There is a reason that Jacob was returned alive Will, it wasn't generosity, it was them getting bored with him and turning their anger to me."

Will turned Acho's face back towards him gently, "So they laid hands on you? I thought we had this discussion two years ago when you hid from us that you were harming yourself again, you must not suffer alone Acho. Please let me help you... Or at least talk to me about it so I can help you."

Acho did not meet Will's eye, not wanting to see the pity or empathy, "Look, I don't want to talk about this right now," star glanced up to Will's gaze for half a moment before looking away again, star didn't want to be seen as weak.

"Then I will drop the matter on one simple condition. Please would you allow me to bandage those harsh red lines along your back?" Will asked gently, not letting go of Acho's hand, star wasn't sure when he'd taken it but his friend's comfort was helping star process their emotions healthily.

Acho turned back to face him, "If it means you will drop this matter until after... the funeral... then so be it," star slowly removed his shirt, letting Will clean and bandage the welts that resided along star's back, star did not flinch initially, he never flinched at the first touch of his injuries anymore, not after his parents.

Will frowned at just how red the welts were, they looked far too red to be safe, "Those look infected Acho..."

Acho hissed as the cleaning solution hit star's back, "That'll be because they are infected, genius," star replied with a familiar sass gracing his voice.

"There's the sarcastic little Nightingale we all know and love," Will ruffled Acho's hair, earning a small, yet truly genuine, chuckle.

"I learnt that from you, and Owen actually, she's a feisty one, but I'll blame you," Acho replied with a teasing tone, star looked down with a small smile.

"You wound me my dear friend," Will feigned betrayal but it was easily given away by their chuckle, they were glad to see Acho smile like he hasn't for a while.

Acho nudged Will with a gentle smile, "Hug?" Star asked once hís captain was done.

Will wrapped his arms around Acho, "It's alright, you are safe and secure here with me. Let yourself relax and simply rest."

Acho curled up, resting his head against Will's knee, star was so grateful to have a friend like Will in star's life to celebrate and mourn with, to experience life with a familiar face by star's side.

Will rested his head against the headboard with a small yawn, "Goodnight Acho."

"G'night Will."

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