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The alcohol was flowing freely for those of age at the wedding reception, however, for those who were minors and those who didn't drink, there was an assortment of other non-alcoholic drinks available to them.

"Can I just say, Kyle, your suit is absolutely stunning. Who's your designer?" Amber held a cocktail in her hand, she'd made it very clear earlier in the day that she was not Queen here, she was simply Scott's younger sister.

"Thank you Amber, it was actually Guqqie and Aimsey, they are both big on designing and making clothes," Kyle responded, picking up a flute of champagne to nurse for a while.

"They did amazing, I've got to see if I can get them to design a few things for me," Amber giggled, scrunching her nose in excitement.

Across the room, Hermes stood beside Acho, "I guess this makes you my uncle? If that's okay with you of course!" He panicked.

"Kid, don't stress, you're my nephew," Acho ruffled Hermes's hair playfully.

"Cool!" Hermes nodded.

In yet another corner, Owen opened the doors, "Yo! Welcome our newlyweds!" She called.

The room lit up with applause as the wedded trio entered, positively beaming, though if you looked close enough, you'd see that Sausage and Alex had seemingly swapped ties.

Hermes ran straight into Sausage, "Papa! You did it!"

"That I did mi hijo," Sausage replied happily.

Alex found himself being pulled off by Kyle, "Hello there Mr Married Man," he bumped their shoulders playfully.

"Hello to you too Kyle," Alex chuckled.

Scott was embraced from two sides, both of his siblings holding him in their arms to celebrate.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now