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They stood on the docks as the ship approached, waiting for their husband and daughter.

Hermes hadn't detached himself from Sausage the past few days, they were currently stood in Sausage's embrace.

Scott was stood on the bow of the ship, holding his daughter close as he waved to his husbands.

The moment he was able, Scott ran down the ship's gangplank and straight into his husbands and son's loving embrace.

"Scott, estimado (dear)," Sausage held him in his embrace, frowning softly as he heard his husband cry.

"H-Herms... Can you hold Cate...?" Scott handed the baby to her older brother before he fully wrapped his arms around Sausage.

"My angel," Sausage brought his arms around Scott, "My love, are you alright my heart?"

"I umm... I-I relapsed a f-few times..." Scott muttered, "I'm sorry..."

Sausage ran a hand through Scott's hair with great care and love, "No baby, you do not apologise to me, I promise you that you have no need to apologise. Do you want to talk or do you need hugs?" He asked gently.

"Hugs," Scott replied with no hesitation whatsoever, "But not here, I want to lay in your bed and be with my family."

"Then let's go," Sausage muttered, "Al, Herms, come on," he led the way, gripping Scott's hand tightly.

Alex climbed into bed, collapsing in exhaustion, "Cuddles please?" It has been an exhausting and draining day.

Scott curled up, holding Hermes between his arms, having the younger demigod resting between his legs while holding Cate.

Sausage was the last one in bed, curling up on the other side of Scott, "Sleep my family, for we are safe here."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now