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Peace and tranquillity was what surrounded the Isle and their family for a few years, the children had grown too just a little, getting taller by the day.

Three years had passed, and time seemed to go by so quickly.

Amber sat across from her advisors in Avias, her brothers were due to arrive in her office soon and she just needed to hold on and continue to look ever the part of Queen but her eyes gave away that she didn't want to be formal for this.

"Your Majesty must inform us of the news, if it is important to our Kingdom then it mustn't be a secret!" Lord Jasper urged, speaking on behalf of the part of the faction of council members who still supported Lord Jordon.

"My Lord, you are dismissed from my presence. When my brothers arrive then please send them in," Amber flicked her hand, watching the council disappear with a flurry of bows and curtsies.

Amber had a chance to breathe out slowly, waiting anxiously as the minutes passed in her solitude.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Scott Denholm I of Avias, Duke of Ibis! Star's Royal Highness, Prince Acho Denholm of Avias, Duke of Puffin! Her Royal Highness, Princess Catalina Sausage-Denholm of Avias, Viscountess of Crowton!" The page announced, opening the door to Amber's office.

The Queen stood, smoothing out her gown 

"Your Majesty," Scott and Acho bowed in unison, the older holding his young daughter in his arms.

"Auntie Amber!" Catalina cooed, smiling as she was taken into her aunt's arms.

"Please sit," Amber gestured towards the seats, sitting down herself.

Scott sat slowly, helping Acho sit beside him as star had recently fallen out of a tree and his leg was steal in the healing stages.

"I did not want this to be so formal but unfortunately..." she trailed off, hissing slightly under her breath at the sharp pain in her stomach.

"Are you alright? Do you need a doctor?" Scott fretted, taking his sister's hand.

"No. Look.. it's... Jacob and I are expecting again," She let out a sigh of relief.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now