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"There you go baby," Alex finished playing with Scott's ruffled hair, trying to get it to stay in one place and relatively neat.

"I pray for your poor thighs dearest," Sausage chuckled from the bed, pulling his loose nightshirt over his head.

"It's fine, you can just kiss them better when I come home," Scott replied sassily, grabbing his riding helmet and gloves from his dressing table.

"Such a fucking cocky one you are baby, you are so lucky we don't have the time right now for me to teach you a long fucking lesson," Sausage wrapped a hand around Scott's neck when the prince leaned down to kiss him.

"And you've got the mouth of a sailor, so maybe you need a good old lesson taught to you," Alex pulled Sausage's hair harshly to kiss him, shutting the cocky captain up quickly.

"Well then, good luck Sausage. Lex, please don't rough him up too much for his first time with you alone," Scott got a soft kiss from Alex, who held Sausage still against the pillow.

"I'll play nice just for you. Run along and have fun now love."

"I will," and with that, Scott left his chamber to walk across to Owen's room, he knocked gently, "Owen! I desperately need to borrow some concealer!'

"Hello Sco- oh my good gods that's a lot of marks," Owen giggled, "You are so lucky, I should have a shade that will be a match."

"Lifesaver, I didn't even realise how many there were until I was getting ready this morning. Of course their reaction was to just add more to 'even out the colour'," Scott rolled his eyes, closing Owen's door behind him, "Good afternoon Gabriel."

"Hello Scott, good night then?"


"You feeling alright afterwards? Sometimes you get a bad drop when you come home from the Kestrel's base after a session with Captain Myth," Gabriel handed the captain a glass of water.

"I'm alright thanks, if I drop at any point then I'll come back early from our ride, I promise. Are you and Christian joining us?" Scott took a sip of water.

"Not today, we are going out with the other faction leaders, but you guys have some fun for us."

"Thanks Gabriel, you too, say hi to everyone for us!"

"Will do," Gabriel walked out of the room, leaving the two friends together to conceal Scott's neck.

"So what's going to happen to you guys when we leave? Will you still see Lord Alexander?" Owen asked, applying some concealer to the bruised neck.

"Sausage offered him a place with the Kestrels, I think he'll accept it. Amber would have to approve his leave since he works quite closely with the crown, but I don't see her stopping him, the council might try though. I hope he can come," he started to pull his gloves on as Owen finished up with a nod.

"Come on then," Owen grabbed Scott's hand and dragged him out of the castle and towards the stables, they were the last of the crew to arrive.

"Nice of you to join us Owen and Scott," Cleo teased, holding the reins of a dark mare.

"Good choice in horse, she was Acho's horse when we were younger, such a gorgeous and patient girl, aren't you Misty?" Scott rested his hand on the mare's nose.

"Your stallion is still here, Jacob has been taking care of Misty and Chief ever since we got married. He said it was just in case you two ever came home," Amber shook her head with a laugh.

Scott hit his wrists together excitedly for a few seconds, walking into the tack room to find Chief waiting patiently for him, "Hello Chief, it's been a while hasn't it? I brought you a sugar cube," he held up a cube to the stallion and smiled.

He led Chief outside, standing beside the stallion as Amber spoke, "Alright, who can confidently ride solo apart from Scott and I?"

Owen and Cleo raised their hands.

"Right, we can work with that, we'll just be walking along anyway and all our horses are well behaved. Owen can ride Cisco, Cleo on Misty, Olive and Cruppy on Olive, El on Tucker, Water on Cash, I'll ride Destiny and Scott can ride Chief."

"Sounds like a plan," Eloise led the way into the stable to find the horses.

"By the way, Acho has politely requested the three of you either quieten down or move to Alexander's rooms," Amber muttered to Scott.

"Noted, star might have to kick Sausage and Alex out of my room right now," Scott muttered back.

"You lot are like rabbits, calm yourselves."

"If it so pleases Your Majesty," Scott gave a mock bow.

"Shut up," Amber bumped shoulders with him playfully.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now