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There were new people on the Isle, and Scott had to be there for the Factioning in case a new Heron would join their ranks.

Scott walked side by side with Christian, dressed back up in his faction attire, though it was tighter than it used to be.

"Six new recruits today, care to wager a bet on how many we'll get?" Christian chuckled as they continued along the path.

"One, one hundred gold on one," Scott had a gut feeling.

"I'll raise you and say two," Christian shook Scott's hand as they entered the Recruitment Office, being the first faction to arrive and see the new recruits.

"Ah! The Heron Leader and Captain! Pirates, meet Christian and Scott!" The Recruitment Officer waved them over.

"Welcome to the Faction Isle! I am Christian, the Heron faction's leader! This is Scott, he is our captain, it's nice to meet you all!" Christian smiled at the new pirates as the rest of the faction leaders and captains arrived to join the group.

"Discovery and history yeah?" The one with the fox mask asked, his arms crossed.

"Yeah, adventure, discovery and history!" Scott chipped in, making a note of all six of them and how they stood.

"Not my gig unfortunately, no offence," Fox boy replied with no malice in his tone.

"That's fair, we aren't everyone's cup of tea," Christian reassured, smiling kindly.

"I'm Callum, by the way," Fox boy introduced, his eyes shifting between the two behind his mask.

"Eret," A deep voice belonging to a corseted body spoke.

Next was a pirate with blue eyes and a blue headband, "My name is Shep! It's nice to meet you all!"

A green clad girl with glasses was next, "My name is Jojo!"

"I'm Lady Shelby, and no do not ask where I got that title from," Shelby spoke in an upper class accent.

The last pirate was bouncing in excitement, "My name is Sniff and I like your coat!"

The Recruitment Officer cut the conversation off and lined all the leaders and captains up, giving his whole spiel about the factions.

"Eret is going to be a Kite, Shelby is a Kestrel and Sniff will be one of us or go with Will," Scott muttered to Christian.

"I see that, Callum will go Kite or Kestrel, though so might Eret, Jojo and Shep both give off Nightingale energy," Christian whispered back, watching the new recruits stand one by one to get their offers.

Shep was offered Nightingales, Herons or Kestrels, he picked Kestrels.

Eret was offered Kite or Heron, but they only cared for Kite.

Shelby was only offered Kestrel, though she thought it was suitable as only the best was offered to her in her less than humble opinion.

Callum was offered Nightingales or Kites, he chose Kites.

Sniff was offered the choice of Nightingale or Heron and he picked Heron.

Scott smirked as he knew he'd won the bet.

Then Jojo was offered Heron or Nightingale and she picked Nightingale, securing the money for Scott.

"Welcome to your new factions! Two Kites, two Kestrels, a Nightingale and a Heron!" The Recruitment Officer clapped, sending the pirates on their merry way.

The faction leaders stayed behind to discuss the newest Factioning so Scott was left to escort Sniff back, "I like your coat too, by the way."

"Thank you! I'm super excited to be here with you guys!" Sniff's energy made Scott smile.

"And we are glad to have you, Sniff."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now