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"Hello Bub, are you ready to go on an adventure?" Scott smiled at his namesake, who was sitting quietly on the elder's bed.

"Yes Uncle Scott!" Scott II made grabby hands towards his uncle, "Ad-adv-adventure!" He sounded the word out excitedly.

"That's right little one!" Scott clapped gently, "With your Uncle Acho and your little sisters!"

"Lexi and Low! I mean-" the tone in the toddler's voice changed, "Al-Alex-Alexandrina and Will-Willow," he corrected himself sadly at the idea of not being allowed to use the nicknames he'd given to his younger sisters.

"You can call them by nicknames dear, who said you couldn't?" Scott was about to make a big old list of people to deal with for trying to hinder his nephew's creativity and force him out of his primary love language.

"Grandpapa's council leader, Lord Jordon of Seventon," Scott II looked down, tears welling in his eyes.

Scott shuddered at the thought, Lord Jordon had been horrible to him in his youth, he leaned across to wipe the younger boy's tears.

"Well, I think Lexi and Low are absolutely gorgeous nicknames and Lord Jordon doesn't have the right to tell you otherwise," Acho moved into the room, holding the girls.

"Uncle Acho!" Scott II toddled over to the older boy, hugging his legs.

"Hello Scooter!" Acho giggled, sitting in a chair so that the younger could climb up on his lap.

"Hi!" Scott II flashed a toothy smile, pushing his hair out of his face to reveal his now tearless eyes.

Scott picked up Alexandrina from Acho, "Are we all ready to go?" He asked, smiling gently at his family.

Scott II jumped out of Acho's lap and slid his socks and boots on over his feet, "New friends?"

Acho chuckled quietly, "Yes dear, do you want to walk or do you want me to lift you up?"

"I walk Uncle Acho!" Scott II fell into step beside Scott and Acho as they started to walk across the Heron's base.

"Hello hello hello!" Christian waved the group over, "What are we up to in this fine day?"

Scott II started to respond, "Adventuring Mr..." he realised he didn't know the person's name.

"Christian at your service, and what is your name little one?" Christian sat on the floor to be at the same height as the little prince.

"My name is Scott and these are my sisters, Lexi and Low! Well actually it's Alexandrina and Willow but I gave them nicknames! My nickname from my uncles is Scooter!"

"That's so cool Scott! My nickname is Chris! I've got to go now, but I hope you have a fun adventure!" Christian ruffled the prince's hair with a smile.

"Goodbye Chris!" Scott II waved, turning to face his uncles, "Your friends are really nice!"

"I'm glad that you like them Bub," Scott offered his hand to continue the walk and meet more members of the Faction Isles, although most of the Kestrel's were notably busy.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now