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"Where are you taking us Sausage?" Scott asked, sitting on the bow of the ship with Alex next to him.

"That's a surprise Baby, patience dearest," Sausage responded from the wheel, checking his atlas to be absolutely sure he'd gotten the right island as the sun began to set.

Scott rolled his eyes playfully, earning a small flick from Alex for his cheeky behaviour.

"Alright, unless Kyle and Acho have lied to me, this is it," Sausage threw his anchor over the side of the boat to keep it moored.

"Acho had a hand in this?" Scott was confused as to why his sibling helped plan the date.

"And Kyle too?" Alex added on, taking Sausage's hand to hop off the boat.

"All will be revealed in due time my loves," Sausage helped Scott climb down the ship and took a hand of each of his boyfriends.

"Sausage, can I wear your jacket please?" Scott asked as he was led into the island, towards a cave.

"Of course Darling," Sausage removed his hoodie and handed it to Scott, he had another few in his backpack anyway.

Sausage stopped at the entrance of the cave as his boyfriends stared in awe.

The cave had been lit with candles, a fire was lit in the middle and a tent was seen with a portable bed inside for the three, "Surprised?" Sausage giggled.

"Awe-struck," Alex replied, noticing the picnic blanket near the fire.

The trio sat, Scott's eyes absolutely glistened at the sight of chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate pretzels.

"Eat, my gorgeous boys," Sausage spoke from the cushion that he'd sat on.

Time passed quickly as Alex and Scott chatted, though Sausage was deep in thought, rehearsing his whole plan but suddenly, as he watched his boys talk excitedly, he simply blurted out, "Marry me?"

"What?" Both noble raised boys spoke in unison.

"Scott, Alex, will you marry me? I had a big speech and declaration of my love for you both but I realise you are both worth so much more to me than I can ever put into words. Scott Denholm and Alexander of Crowton, will you marry me?" He pulled out two ring boxes.

Silence filled the cave for a few seconds and a deep feeling of anxiety started to eat him from the inside until Alex broke the silence, "I will marry you."

"Yes Sausage! Yes!" Scott answered soon after.

He was going to get married to his soul bounds and nothing made him happier, Sausage mentally thanked Acho and Kyle for setting up the cave for him.

(This chapter happens to be my lucky number chapter; 42, so enjoy the wholesome fluff)

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now