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Scott bowed to his sister, low and formal, "Your Majesty," he spoke, he knew every member of his sister's court was watching him.

Amber nodded her head, she wanted to hug her brother but she knew she must stay in her character, "Brother."

Scott took his place, he was here to receive mercy from his sister for the way his married family had been involved in the plot, "Ma'am."

"My brother, there are many in this room who want your head delivered on a platter for they believe you to be traitorous," Amber spoke, she heard the gasps around the throne room.

The fear in Scott's eyes flashed quickly, he knew Amber wouldn't have him put to death, right?

"But I do not believe you or your husband had anything to do with the pilot against my family."

Scott's heart broke, Amber had called it her family, not their family.

"And as you are a part of my family I do not see why you would have the need to overthrow me. You and I have been close my whole life and I will not have anyone slandering the name of my beloved brother," Amber stood, holding out her gloved hand.

Scott moved and knelt before the Queen of Avias, kissing her ring, "Your Majesty, I beg humbly of you to grant my family your royal pardon for we played no part in the plot against you. However, if Your Majesty's council should see fit to remove my head from my shoulders then I will accept with good graces and no ill will towards Your Majesty."

Will gasped quietly, turning to face Acho, "Your sister won't... right?"

Acho whispered star's reply as the ballroom was right with chattering, "Amber would not but there are some members of Avias's court that want nothing more than to see the end of the traitorous prince. The moment he decided to run they turned on him, the only reason they did not turn on me is because Father never stripped me of my titles or ruled me a traitor to the realm."

Amber waited for silence before she spoke, "Your Royal Highness, I, Queen Amber I Denholm of Avias, hereby grant you and your husband my official pardon. You, my brother, are an innocent and free man."

Scott fell to one knee "Many thanks and praises be to Your Majesty."

The court was a flurry of skirts and dropped heads as Amber walked past them, exiting her throne room followed by her household.

Acho approached Scott, "Will and I are leaving tonight, I am so glad I can take my brother home alive and well."

As the throne room began to empty, Scott stood, "I'm staying for a few days but I will be following you two home after I sort some official business."

Acho nodded, "It will be good to be home, with our friends and second families," they spoke whilst adjusting his collar subtlety, star's brother did not notice but Will did.

"That it will be," Scott replied, turning to exit the room and take a long overdue nap.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now