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Your Royal Highnesses,

At the graciousness of Her Majesty, Queen Amber, the council has signed off on a bill to restore your titles that His Late Majesty, King Hudson, may he rest, stripped you of.

With the addition of Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Scott II, Princess Alexandrina and Princess Willow, adjustments have been made accordingly.

Scott; His Royal Highness, Prince Scott I Denholm, Duke of Ibis. You are placed behind Princess Willow in the line of succession.

Acho; His Royal Highness, Prince Acho Denholm, Duke of Puffin. You are behind Prince Scott I.

May I be the first to offer my sincerest congratulations and kindest regards to Your Royal Highnesses.

Lord Jordon of Seventon
Head of Avias's High Council
Advisor to the Late King Hudson, may he rest.

Acho did not look back at the note as he threw it onto star's desk, "Of course they try to butter us up now that they know that Amber is on our side."

Scott didn't respond, he was trying not to think about how much chaos his little secret would cause in regards to Avias and how much more the council would hate him.

"Are you alright Scott? I'm worried about you, you've been off lately," Acho's attention fully turned towards his brother, leaving the letter discarded.

"Remember what we were talking about before the kids left to go back home? In the flower field?" Scott sighed, pulling the blanket around his shoulders.

"Yes... Scott, what are you saying?"

"Yeah, that wasn't exactly hypothetical, I'm having a baby," Scott chuckled through his new tears, overwhelmingly happy to be able to tell his brother.

"Scott! That's absolutely incredible! Congratulations!" Acho spear tackled their brother in excitement.

"Don't tell anyone just yet... you are the only other person to know apart from Owen since she was there when I found out... not even Alex and Sausage know yet, I need to figure out who the little one's other father is before I tell anyone else," Scott rested his head on Acho's shoulder with a soft yawn.

"My lips are sealed, besides, Owen has ways of shutting me up, very similar to the ones that got you into this situation actually," Acho pulled Scott closer as his older brother snorted.

"At this rate you two need to be separated or you'll be in the same boat as me," Scott rolled his eyes, enjoying the embrace with his brother.

"The council is going to kill you for this you know?" Acho half joked, thinking about how much chaos this would cause and absolutely loving the idea.

"Oh one hundred percent," Scott's tone was less serious than Acho's, the council couldn't touch him anymore and they certainly couldn't hurt him again, not now he was carrying the Queen's future niece or nephew.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now